Episode 53
It's HAMMER Time
September 3rd, 2014
1 hr 18 mins 27 secs
About this Episode
It's our one year anniversary episode, and we'll be talking with Reyk Floeter about the new OpenBSD webserver - why it was created and where it's going. After that, we'll show you the ins and outs of DragonFly's HAMMER FS. Answers to viewer-submitted questions and the latest headlines, on a very special BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
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FreeBSD foundation's new IPSEC project
- The FreeBSD foundation, along with Netgate, is sponsoring some new work on the IPSEC code
- With bandwidth in the 10-40 gigabit per second range, the IPSEC stack needs to be brought up to modern standards in terms of encryption and performance
- This new work will add AES-CTR and AES-GCM modes to FreeBSD's implementation, borrowing some code from OpenBSD
- The updated stack will also support AES-NI for hardware-based encryption speed ups
- It's expected to be completed by the end of September, and will also be in pfSense 2.2 ***
NetBSD at Shimane Open Source Conference 2014
- The Japanese NetBSD users group held a NetBSD booth at the Open Source Conference 2014 in Shimane on August 23
- One of the developers has gathered a bunch of pictures from the event and wrote a fairly lengthy summary
- They had NetBSD running on all sorts of devices, from Raspberry Pis to Sun Java Stations
- Some visitors said that NetBSD had the most chaotic booth at the conference ***
pfSense 2.1.5 released
- A new version of the pfSense 2.1 branch is out
- Mostly a security-focused release, including three web UI fixes and the most recent OpenSSL fix (which FreeBSD has still not patched in -RELEASE after nearly a month)
- It also includes many other bug fixes, check the blog post for the full list ***
Systems, Science and FreeBSD
- Our friend George Neville-Neil gave a presentation at Microsoft Research
- It's mainly about using FreeBSD as a platform for research, inside and outside of universities
- The talk describes the OS and its features, ports, developer community, documentation, who uses BSD and much more ***
Interview - Reyk Floeter - reyk@openbsd.org / @reykfloeter
OpenBSD's HTTP daemon
A crash course on HAMMER FS
News Roundup
OpenBSD's rcctl tool usage
- OpenBSD recently got a new tool for managing /etc/rc.conf.local in -current
- Similar to FreeBSD's "sysrc" tool, it eliminates the need to manually edit rc.conf.local to enable or disable services
- This blog post - from a BSD Now viewer - shows the typical usage of the new tool to alter the startup services
- It won't make it to 5.6, but will be in 5.7 (next May) ***
pfSense mini-roundup
- We found five interesting pfSense articles throughout the week and wanted to quickly mention them
- The first item in our pfSense mini-roundup details how you can stream Netflix to in non-US countries using a "smart" DNS service
- The second post talks about setting ip IPv6, in particular if Comcast is your ISP
- The third one features pfSense on Softpedia, a more mainstream tech site
- The fourth post describes how to filter HTTPS traffic with Squid and pfSense
- The last article describes setting up a VPN using the "tinc" daemon and pfSense
- It seems to be lesser known, compared to things like OpenVPN or SSH tunnels, so it's interesting to read about
- This pfSense HQ website seems to have lots of other cool pfSense items, check it out ***
OpenBSD's new buffer cache
- OpenBSD has traditionally used the tried-and-true LRU algorithm for buffer cache, but it has a few problems
- Ted Unangst has just switched to a new algorithm in -current, partially based on 2Q, and details some of his work
- Initial tests show positive results in terms of cache responsiveness
- Check the post for all the fine details ***
BSDTalk episode 244
- Another new BSDTalk is up and, this time around, Will Backman interviews Ken Moore, the developer of the new BSD desktop environment
- They discuss the history of development, differences between it and other DEs, lots of topics
- If you're more of a visual person, fear not, because...
- We'll have Ken on next week, including a full "virtual walkthrough" of Lumina and its applications ***