We found 8 episodes of BSD Now with the tag “cluster”.
441: Migration to BSD
February 10th, 2022 | 50 mins 13 secs
base jails, berkeley, bsd, cluster, cluster provisioning, dataset, distribution, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, libbsddialog, migration, netbsd, nomad, open source, openbsd, operating system, os, os migration, packages, ports, pot, release, server migration, shell, software, trident, trueos, tutorial, unix, vnet, zfs, zpool
Migrating our servers from Linux to FreeBSD, Cluster provisioning with Nomad and Pot on FreeBSD, LibBSDDialog, FreeBSD 13.0 Base Jails with ZFS and VNET, and more.
390: Commercial Unix Killer
February 18th, 2021 | 55 mins 36 secs
berkeley, book, bsd, cluster, commercial unix, dataset, distribution, dragonflybsd, edgerouter, freebsd, glusterfs, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, lenovo, linux, lite, netbsd, openbsd, operating system, os, release, setup, shell, software, thinkpad, tls, trident, trueos, tutorial, unix, x1 nano, zfs, zpool
Did Linux kill Commercial Unix, three node GlusterFS setup on FreeBSD, OpenBSD on the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Nano (1st Gen), NetBSD on EdgeRouter Lite, TLS Mastery first draft done
368: Changing OS roles
September 17th, 2020 | 48 mins 32 secs
32-bit, 64-bit, berkeley, bsd, cluster, console, corosync, dataset, distribution, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, modern, modernizing, netbsd, openbsd, operating system, os, pacemaker, package manager, role, sandbox, software, trident, trueos, tutorial, wine, zfs, zpool
Modernizing the OpenBSD Console, OS roles have changed, FreeBSD Cluster with Pacemaker and Corosync, Wine in a 32-bit sandbox on 64-bit NetBSD, Find package which provides a file in OpenBSD, and more.
358: OpenBSD Kubernetes Clusters
July 9th, 2020 | 43 mins 32 secs
agent, bsd, bug, bug hunting, cluster, command line, conference, conferencing, conferencing software, dragonflybsd, freebsd, git, github, guide, hardenedbsd, history, howto, interview, jitsi, jitsi-meet, kubernetes, kubernetes cluster, merge, netbsd, openbsd, operating system, os, trident, trueos, tutorial, video conferencing, wireguard, yubikey, yubikey agent, yubikey-agent, zfs
Yubikey-agent on FreeBSD, Managing Kubernetes clusters from OpenBSD, History of FreeBSD part 1, Running Jitsi-Meet in a FreeBSD Jail, Command Line Bug Hunting in FreeBSD, Game of Github, Wireguard official merged into OpenBSD, and more
56: Beastly Infrastructure
September 24th, 2014 | 57 mins 5 secs
2014, bsd, cluster, datacenter, dragonflybsd, eurobsdcon, freebsd, guide, howto, infrastructure, internal, interview, jails, netbsd, openbsd, pcbsd, servers, ssh, tutorial, web
This week we're on the other side of the Atlantic, attending EuroBSDCon. For now, we've got an awesome interview with Peter Wemm about the FreeBSD web cluster and infrastructure. It's an inside look that you probably won't hear about anywhere else! We'll also get to a couple of your emails today, and be back next week with all the usual goodies, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
53: It's HAMMER Time
September 3rd, 2014 | 1 hr 18 mins
apache, bsd, cluster, dragonfly, dragonflybsd, dubstep, filesystem, freebsd, guide, hammer, hammer fs, hammerfs, howto, interview, ipsec, lumina, matthew dillon, netbsd, nginx, openbsd, openhttpd, party, pcbsd, pfsense, rave, rcctl, reyk floeter, tutorial, webserver, zfs
It's our one year anniversary episode, and we'll be talking with Reyk Floeter about the new OpenBSD webserver - why it was created and where it's going. After that, we'll show you the ins and outs of DragonFly's HAMMER FS. Answers to viewer-submitted questions and the latest headlines, on a very special BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
43: Package Design
June 25th, 2014 | 1 hr 26 mins
2014, aslr, boringssl, bsd, bsd-cloudinit, bsdday, building, bulgaria, bypassing, cloud computing, cluster, dragonflybsd, eff, eurobsdcon, evasion, exit node, firewall, freebsd, freenas, geoblock, glusterfs, guide, how to upgrade, howto, interview, ip ban, ixsystems, libressl, marc espie, nas, nas4free, netbsd, openbsd, openssl, openstack, packages, pcbsd, pf, phk, pie, pkg_add, ports, poul-henning kamp, presentation, rdomains, rebuild, relays, schedule, security, slides, talks, tarsnap, tor, tor challenge, tor nodes, tutorial, update, upgrades
It's a big show this week! We'll be interviewing Marc Espie about OpenBSD's package system and build cluster. Also, we've been asked many times "how do I keep my BSD box up to date?" Well, today's tutorial should finally answer that. Answers to all your emails and this week's headlines, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
24: The Cluster & The Cloud
February 12th, 2014 | 1 hr 9 mins
big data, binary packages, bsd, chroot, cloud, cloud computing, cluster, conference, convention, dragonflybsd, file sharing, filesharing, freebsd, guide, howto, http, httperf, hybridcluster, instances, interview, jails, keynote, linux, linux user, netbsd, nyc, nycbsdcon, nycbug, open stack, openbsd, openstack, pcbsd, performance, pkg, pkg_add, pkgng, presentation, provisioning, scaling, sftp, shell, smp, ssh, switching to bsd, talks, tutorial, virtualization, vpn, web hosting, webhosting, zfs
This week on BSD Now... a wrap-up from NYCBSDCon! We'll also be talking to Luke Marsden, CEO of HybridCluster, about how they use BSD at large. Following that, our tutorial will show you how to securely share files with SFTP in a chroot. The latest news and answers to your questions, of course it's BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.