We found 9 episodes of BSD Now with the tag “nginx”.
520: 4 months BSD
August 17th, 2023 | 43 mins 26 secs
4 months, address book, ban, banning, bastille, berkeley, blocking, bsd, calendar, cli, dataset, development, distribution, dragonflybsd, filesystem, four, freebsd, geo-block, git, git-page, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, jails, location, location-based, log, log analysis, netbsd, nginx, open source, openbsd, opensmtp, operating system, os, packages, ports, release, restrict, self-hosted, server, shell, software, storage, template, trident, trueos, tutorial, unix, zfs, zpool
4 Months of BSD, Self Hosted Calendar and address Book, Ban scanners IPs from OpenSMTP logs, Self-hosted git page, Bastille template example, Restrict nginx Access by Geographical Location on FreeBSD, and more.
516: Computer Time Origins
July 20th, 2023 | 46 mins 7 secs
berkeley, bsd, cdn, cli, comparison, dataset, development, distribution, dragonflybsd, filesystem, firewalls, freebsd, gitlab, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, jails, malware, netbsd, netflix, nginx, open source, openbsd, operating system, os, packages, php shell, ports, release, shell, software, storage, system clock, time, trident, trueos, tutorial, unix, web server, zfs, zpool
Linux and FreeBSD Firewalls Part 1, Why Netflix Chose NGINX as the Heart of Its CDN, Protect your web servers against PHP shells and malwares, Installing and running Gitlab howto, and more
461: Persistent Memory Allocation
June 30th, 2022 | 49 mins 40 secs
berkeley, bsd, cgit, color, colorize, dataset, distribution, dragonflybsd, filesystem, freebsd, gitolite, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, jails, memory allocation, netbsd, nginx, open source, openbsd, operating system, os, packages, persistent memory, ports, quarterly, release, shell, software, status report, trident, trueos, tutorial, unix, zfs, zpool
Q1 FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report 2022, Nginx on OpenBSD 7.1, Persistent Memory Allocation, Colorize your BSD shell, cgit With Gitolite and Nginx on FreeBSD 13, and more
399: Comparing Sandboxes
April 22nd, 2021 | 57 mins 4 secs
berkeley, bsd, customizing, dataset, development process, distribution, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, netbsd, nginx, open source, openbsd, operating system, os, packages, ports, relay, release, sandbox technique, sandboxing, shell, signal, software, statement, status report, tcp, trident, trueos, tutorial, udp, unix, zfs, zpool
Comparing sandboxing techniques, Statement on FreeBSD development processes, customizing FreeBSD ports and packages, the quest for a comfortable NetBSD desktop, Nginx as a TCP/UDP relay, HardenedBSD March 2021 Status Report, Detailed Behaviors of Unix Signal, and more
325: Cracking Rainbows
November 21st, 2019 | 57 mins 40 secs
12.1, berkeley, bsd, compiling, dev, devel, development, dnssec, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, history, howto, interview, let’s encrypt, netbsd, nginx, openbsd, opnsense, rainbowcrack, setup, shopware, status report, trident, trueos, tutorial, unbound, unix
FreeBSD 12.1 is here, A history of Unix before Berkeley, FreeBSD development setup, HardenedBSD 2019 Status Report, DNSSEC, compiling RainbowCrack on OpenBSD, and more.
323: OSI Burrito Guy
November 7th, 2019 | 49 mins 22 secs
7 layer, blacklistd, bolt, bsd, cms, code, dragonflybsd, fail2ban, freebsd, guide, hammer2, hardenedbsd, howto, https2, interview, lets encrypt, netbsd, nginx, npf, openbsd, osi, trident, trueos, tutorial, unix
The earliest Unix code, how to replace fail2ban with blacklistd, OpenBSD crossed 400k commits, how to install Bolt CMS on FreeBSD, optimized hammer2, appeasing the OSI 7-layer burrito guys, and more.
53: It's HAMMER Time
September 3rd, 2014 | 1 hr 18 mins
apache, bsd, cluster, dragonfly, dragonflybsd, dubstep, filesystem, freebsd, guide, hammer, hammer fs, hammerfs, howto, interview, ipsec, lumina, matthew dillon, netbsd, nginx, openbsd, openhttpd, party, pcbsd, pfsense, rave, rcctl, reyk floeter, tutorial, webserver, zfs
It's our one year anniversary episode, and we'll be talking with Reyk Floeter about the new OpenBSD webserver - why it was created and where it's going. After that, we'll show you the ins and outs of DragonFly's HAMMER FS. Answers to viewer-submitted questions and the latest headlines, on a very special BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
52: Reverse Takeover
August 27th, 2014 | 1 hr 14 mins
address space layout randomization, aslr, bind, bsd, dns server, dragonflybsd, encryption, freebsd, guide, howto, interview, netbsd, nginx, nsd, openbsd, os x, pcbsd, pfsense, pie, position-independent executables, reverse tunnel, shawn webb, ssh, time machine, tunnel, tutorial, unbound
Coming up this week, we'll be chatting with Shawn Webb about his recent work with ASLR and PIE in FreeBSD. After that, we'll be showing you how you can create a reverse SSH tunnel to a system behind a firewall... how sneaky. Answers to your emails plus the latest news, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
51: Engineering Nginx
August 20th, 2014 | 1 hr 27 mins
aircrack-ng, atheros, autofs, automounter, bsd, bsdcan, cloud computing, defcon, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, hackathon, hosting solution, howto, httpd, https, interview, kismet, netbsd, nginx, openbsd, openssh, pcbsd, spamd, ssl, tls, tutorial, webserver, wifi, wireless, xinuos
Coming up on the show, we'll be showing you how to set up a secure, SSL-only webserver. There's also an interview with Eric Le Blan about community participation and FreeBSD's role in the commercial server space. All that and more, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.