We found 10 episodes of BSD Now with the tag “pcbsd”.
37: BSDCanned Goods
May 14th, 2014 | 2 hrs 7 mins
bsd, bsdcan, conference, convention, dragonflybsd, emails, feedback, freebsd, guide, howto, interview, netbsd, openbsd, openzfs, ottawa, pcbsd, questions, support, tutorial, zfs
This week we're at BSDCan, ganging up on people and forcing them to give us interviews. Assuming we don't get arrested for harassment, we'll be back next week with your regularly scheduled programming. For now, we've got some feedback emails to catch up on, as well as a prerecorded talk Matt Ahrens gave about ZFS. We'll be back to tell you all about the conference next week, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
36: Let's Get RAID
May 7th, 2014 | 1 hr 30 mins
5.5, aslr, bioctl, bsd, cd set, clang, core, core team, david chisnall, demo, disks, dragonflybsd, ffs, filesystem, freebsd, gcc, gmirror, gnome, gnome3, graid, gstripe, guide, hackathon, howto, i regret this already, interview, llvm, marcusports, mirror, netbsd, openbsd, opensmtpd, pcbsd, pf, pie, ports, raid, raid-z, raid0, raid1, raid5, raidz, redundancy, router, signify, stripe, the worst pun i've done so far, theraven, tour, tutorial, ufs, zfs
This week on the show we'll be showing you how to set up RAID arrays in both FreeBSD and OpenBSD. There's also an interview with David Chisnall - of the FreeBSD core team - about the switch to Clang and a lot more. As usual, we'll be dropping the latest news and answering your emails, so sit back and enjoy some BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
35: Puffy Firewall
April 30th, 2014 | 1 hr 19 mins
3rd, book of pf, bsd, bsdcan, dragonflybsd, firewall, fork, freebsd, guide, hackathon, howto, interview, ipfilter, ipfw, iptables, libressl, m2k14, netbsd, no starch press, nostarch, npf, openbsd, openssl, packet filter, pcbsd, peter hansteen, peter n.m. hansteen, pf, pfsense, pitrh, presentation, router, security, third edition, tutorial
We're back again! On this week's packed show, we've got one of the biggest tutorials we've done in a while. It's an in-depth look at PF, OpenBSD's firewall, with some practical examples and different use cases. We'll also be talking to Peter Hansteen about the new edition of "The Book of PF." Of course, we've got news and answers to your emails too, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
34: It's Gonna Get NASty
April 23rd, 2014 | 22 mins 39 secs
bsd, development, dragonflybsd, freebsd, freenas, guide, howto, interview, ixsystems, jails, john hixson, netbsd, openbsd, pcbsd, plugins, tutorial
This week, Allan's at a conference so we've got a short episode for you. We sat down with John Hixson to discuss FreeNAS development and all their future plans. The show will be back next week with a normal episode.
33: Certified Package Delivery
April 16th, 2014 | 1 hr 20 mins
0day, bsd, bsd certification, bsdcan, bsdcertification, conference, cve, distributed ports builder, dpb, dragonflybsd, exam, exploit, foundation, freebsd, guide, heartbeat, heartbleed, hole, howto, interview, ixsystems, jim brown, journal, marc espie, mitigation, netbsd, netflix, nycbsdcon, openbsd, openssh, openssl, package builds, pcbsd, poudriere, presentations, recording, ssl, talks, tarsnap, test, theo de raadt, tls, tutorial, zero day
This week, we sit down with Jim Brown from the BSD Certification group to talk about the BSD exams. Following that, we'll be showing you how to build OpenBSD binary packages in bulk, a la poudriere. There's a boatload of news and we've got answers to your questions, coming up on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
32: PXE Dust
April 9th, 2014 | 1 hr 16 mins
arm, aslr, autoinstall, branch, bsd, bsdcan, desktop, documentation, dragonflybsd, dru lavigne, freebsd, freenas, games, guide, handbook, howto, interview, linux, netbsd, openbsd, pcbsd, pie, pkgng, pkgsrc, ports, printed, pxe, pxeboot, security, sprints, stable, tutorial
This week on the big show we'll be showing off OpenBSD's new "autoinstall" feature to do completely automatic, unattended installations. We also have an interview with Dru Lavigne about all the writing work she does for FreeBSD, PCBSD and FreeNAS. The latest headlines and answers to your emails, on BSD Now - it's the place to B.. SD.
31: Edgy BSD Users
April 1st, 2014 | 1 hr 9 mins
april fools, arch, bsd, centos, copyleft, copyright, cpu, debian, desktop, dragonflybsd, edgebsd, fosdem, freebsd, gentoo, gnome, gnome-shell, gnome3, gnu, gpl, guide, howto, interview, ixsystems, license, linux, mips, netbsd, on linux, openbsd, pcbsd, playstation 2, presentation, ps2, richard stallman, rms, security, sony, talk, tutorial, ubuntu, worst puns, xfce, zfs, zfsonlinux, zol, zpool
This week we'll be talking to Richard Stallman about the upcoming GPLv4 and how it will protect our software from being stolen. After that, we'll show you how to recover from those pesky ZFS on Linux corruption issues, as well as some tips on how to explain to your boss that all the production boxes were compromised. Your questions and all the latest GNUs, on Linux Now - the place to Lin.. ux.
30: Documentation is King
March 26th, 2014 | 1 hr 22 mins
2014, access point, asiabsdcon, bhyve, bhyvecon, bsd, cs24-c, datacenter, dell, doceng, documentation, dragonflybsd, filesystem, foundation, freebsd, freenas, fs, guide, hammer, hammer2, hammerfs, howto, igor, interview, ixsystems, lists, mail, mailing lists, man pages, manpages, megaport, netbsd, openbsd, pcbsd, pfsense, rack, router, rtfm, rump kernels, server, sun, synology, t5120, tutorial, wap, wireless
Finally hit 30 episodes! Today we'll be chatting with Warren Block to discuss BSD documentation efforts and future plans. If you've ever wondered about the scary world of mailing lists, today's tutorial will show you the basics of how to get help and contribute back. There's lots to get to today, so sit back and enjoy some BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
29: P.E.F.S.
March 19th, 2014 | 1 hr 54 mins
2014, 2fa, asiabsdcon, asiabsdcon2014, authentication, bsd, certificate, disk, dpb, dragonflybsd, encryption, fde, freebsd, guide, howto, interview, netbsd, openbsd, openssh, pcbsd, pefs, presentation, recording, talk, tutorial, two factor, video, yubikey
We're back from AsiaBSDCon! This week we'll be chatting with Gleb Kurtsou about some a filesystem-level encryption utility called PEFS. After that, we'll give you a step by step guide on how to actually use it. There's also the usual round of your questions and we've got a lot of news to catch up on, so stay tuned to BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
28: Ghost of Partition
March 12th, 2014 | 33 mins 47 secs
bsd, device, disk management, disklabel, disks, dragonflybsd, eric turgeon, ericbsd, ericturgeonbsd, freebsd, ghost reveries, ghostbsd, growing filesystems, guide, howto, interview, linux, management, name, netbsd, openbsd, opeth, partition, partitions, pcbsd, slice, tutorial, vnconfig
This week we're at AsiaBSDCon, so it'll be a shorter episode. We've got an interview with Eric Turgeon, founder of the desktop-focused GhostBSD project. Haven't heard of GhostBSD? Well stay tuned then. There's also a really interesting tutorial on how to serially concatenate disks in NetBSD. We'll be back next week with a normal episode.