Episode 29
March 19th, 2014
1 hr 54 mins 44 secs
About this Episode
We're back from AsiaBSDCon! This week we'll be chatting with Gleb Kurtsou about some a filesystem-level encryption utility called PEFS. After that, we'll give you a step by step guide on how to actually use it. There's also the usual round of your questions and we've got a lot of news to catch up on, so stay tuned to BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
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Using OpenSSH Certificate Authentication
- SSH has a not-so-often-talked-about authentication option in addition to passwords and keys: certificates - you can add certificates to any current authentication method you're using
- They're not really that complex, there just isn't a lot of documentation on how to use them - this post tries to solve that
- There's the benefit of not needing a known_hosts file or authorized_users file anymore
- The post goes into a fair amount of detail about the differences, advantages and implications of using certificates for authentication ***
Back to FreeBSD, a new series
- Similar to the "FreeBSD Challenge" blog series, one of our listeners will be writing about his switching BACK to FreeBSD journey
- "So, a long time ago, I had a box which was running FreeBSD 4, running on a Pentium. 14 years later, I have decided to get back into FreeBSD, now at FreeBSD 10"
- He's starting off with PCBSD since it's easy to get working with dual graphics
- Should be a fun series to follow! ***
OpenBSD's recent experiments in package building
- If you'll remember back to our poudriere tutorial, it lets you build FreeBSD binary packages in bulk - OpenBSD's version is called dpb
- Marc Espie recently got some monster machines in russia to play with to help improve scaling of dpb on high end hardware
- This article goes through some of his findings and plans for future versions that increase performance
- We'll be showing a tutorial of dpb on the show in a few weeks ***
Securing FreeBSD with 2FA
- So maybe you've set up two-factor authentication with gmail or twitter, but have you done it with your BSD box?
- This post walks us through the process of locking down an ssh server with 2FA
- With just a mobile phone and a few extra tools, you can enable two-factor auth on your BSD box and have just that little extra bit of protections ***
Interview - Gleb Kurtsou - gleb.kurtsou@gmail.com
PEFS (security audit results here)
Filesystem-based encryption with PEFS
News Roundup
BSDCan 2014 registration
- Registration is finally open!
- The prices are available along with a full list of presentations
- Tutorial sessions for various topics as well
- You have to go ***
Big changes for OpenBSD 5.6
- Although 5.5 was just frozen and the release process has started, 5.6 is already looking promising
- OpenBSD has, for a long time, included a heavily-patched version of Apache based on 1.3
- They've also imported nginx into base a few years ago, but now have finally removed Apache
- Sendmail is also no longer the default MTA, OpenSMTPD is the new default
- Will BIND be removed next? Maybe so
- They've also discontinued the hp300, mvme68k and mvme88k ports ***
Getting to know your portmgr lurkers
- The "getting to know your portmgr" series makes its return
- This time we get to talk with danfe@ (probably most known for being the nVidia driver maintainer, but he does a lot with ports)
- How he got into FreeBSD? He "wanted a unix system that I could understand and that would not get bloated as time goes by"
- Mentions why he's still heavily involved with the project and lots more ***
PCBSD weekly digest
- Work has started to port Pulseaudio to PCBSD 10.0.1
- There's a new "pc-mixer" utility being worked on for sound management as well
- New PBIs, GNOME/Mate updates, Life Preserver fixes and a lot more
- PCBSD 10.0.1 was released too ***