A weekly podcast and the place to B...SD

About the show

Created by three guys who love BSD, we cover the latest news and have an extensive series of tutorials, as well as interviews with various people from all areas of the BSD community. It also serves as a platform for support and questions. We love and advocate FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFlyBSD and TrueOS. Our show aims to be helpful and informative for new users that want to learn about them, but still be entertaining for the people who are already pros.

The show airs on Wednesdays at 2:00PM (US Eastern time) and the edited version is usually up the following day.

BSD Now on social media


  • 73: Pipe Dreams

    January 21st, 2015  |  1 hr 31 mins
    bhyve, bsd, commandline, cryptography, david maxwell, digitalocean, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, howto, interview, libressl, netbsd, openbsd, openssl, pcbsd, pf, pipecut, router, shell, tutorial

    This week on the show we'll be chatting with David Maxwell, a former NetBSD security officer. He's got an interesting project called Pipecut that takes a whole new approach to the commandline. We've also got answers to viewer-submitted questions and all this week's headlines, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.

  • 72: Common *Sense Approach

    January 14th, 2015  |  1 hr 20 mins
    alix, apu, bsd, deciso, dragonflybsd, firewall, fork, freebsd, gateway, interview, ipfw, m0n0wall, netbsd, netgate, openbsd, opnsense, owncloud, pcbsd, pcengines, pfsense, php, portage, router, soekris, vpn

    This week on the show, we'll be talking to Jos Schellevis about OPNsense, a new firewall project that was forked from pfSense. We'll learn some of the backstory and see what they've got planned for the future. We've also got all this week's news and answers to all your emails, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.

  • 71: System Disaster

    January 7th, 2015  |  1 hr 6 mins
    bsd, dragonflybsd, freebsd, google summer of code, gpl, gsoc, guide, hammer, howto, interview, launchd, license, macports, netbsd, ntp, openbsd, openntpd, opnsense, pcbsd, pfsense, systembsd, systemd, tutorial, zfs

    This time on the show, we'll be talking to Ian Sutton about his new BSD compatibility wrappers for various systemd dependencies. Don't worry, systemd is not being ported to BSD! We're still safe! We've also got all the week's news and answers to your emails, coming up on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.

  • 70: Daemons in the North

    December 31st, 2014  |  1 hr 24 mins
    bsd, bsdcan, call for papers, conference, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, howto, interview, netbsd, ntimed, ntp, openbsd, openntpd, openssh, pcbsd, pie, presentation, static, talk, tutorial, vxlan

    It's our last episode of 2014, and we'll be chatting with Dan Langille about the upcoming BSDCan conference. We'll find out what's planned and what sorts of presentations they're looking for. As usual, answers to viewer-submitted questions and all the week's news, coming up on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.

  • 69: Under the Ports Tree

    December 24th, 2014  |  1 hr 12 mins
    advocacy, bsd, christmas, dragonflybsd, eurobsdcon, europe, freebsd, guide, howto, interview, language barriers, netbsd, openbsd, pcbsd, tutorial, women in technology

    It's a special holiday episode! We asked you guys in the audience to send in the tale of how you first got into BSD, and we're going to share those with everyone today. We'll also be playing two bonus mini-interviews, so get comfy by the fire and listen to some BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.

  • 68: Just the Essentials

    December 17th, 2014  |  1 hr 26 mins
    asiabsdcon, book, bsd, disks, dragonflybsd, freebsd, freebsd mastery, guide, howto, interview, michael lucas, netbsd, openbsd, opensmtpd,, pcbsd, review, steam, storage essentials, tutorial, ufs, zfs

    Coming up this week, we'll be talking with Michael Lucas about his newest BSD book, "FreeBSD Mastery: Storage Essentials." It's got lots of great information about the disk subsystems, GEOM, filesystems, you name it. We've also got the usual round of news and answers to your emails, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.

  • 67: Must Be Rigged

    December 10th, 2014  |  1 hr 20 mins
    bitrig, bsd, clang, dragonflybsd, fork, freebsd, guide, howto, interview, llvm, md5, netbsd, openbsd, pcbsd, poudriere, rand, random, sha512, srand, systemd, tutorial, virtualization

    Coming up this week on the show, we've got an interview with Patrick Wildt, one of the developers of Bitrig. We'll find out all the details of their OpenBSD fork, what makes it different and what their plans are going forward. We've also got all the week's news and answers to your emails, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.

  • 66: Conference Connoisseur

    December 3rd, 2014  |  1 hr 22 mins
    alix, apu, asiabsdcon, bsd, bsdcan, community, conference, dragonflybsd, eurobsdcon, foundation, freebsd, guide, howto, interview, meetbsd, netbsd, netgate, openbsd, organization, pcbsd, pcengines, pfsense, router, soekris, tutorial

    This week on the show, we'll be talking with Paul Schenkeveld, chairman of the EuroBSDCon foundation. He tells us about his experiences running BSD conferences and how regular users can get involved too. We've also got answers to all your emails and the latest news, coming up on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.

  • 65: 8,000,000 Mogofoo-ops

    November 26th, 2014  |  1 hr 32 mins
    afl, american fuzzy lop, benchmarks, bsd, dragonflybsd, dtrace, freebsd, freenas, fuzzing, gnome3, guide, high availability, howto, interview, iops, ipfw2, ipsec, ktrace, netbsd, openbsd, pcbsd, performance, pmstat, solaris, strace, tunnel, tutorial, zfs

    Coming up on the show this week, we've got an interview with Brendan Gregg of Netflix. He's got a lot to say about performance tuning and benchmarks, and even some pretty funny stories about how people have done them incorrectly. As always, this week's news and answers to your emails, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.

  • 64: Rump Kernels Revisited

    November 19th, 2014  |  1 hr 53 mins
    10.1, 10.1 review, arc4random, bsd, devsummit, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, hackfest, howto, interview, meetbsd, netbsd, networking, openbsd, openzfs, pcbsd, presentation, review, rump kernels, siphash, tutorial, userspace, xen, zfs

    This time on the show, we'll be talking with Justin Cormack about NetBSD rump kernels. We'll learn how to run them on other operating systems, what's planned for the future and a lot more. As always, answers to viewer-submitted questions and all the news for the week, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.

  • 63: A Man's man(1)

    November 12th, 2014  |  1 hr 37 mins
    alix, altq, apu, arc4random, bsd, dragonflybsd, fortuna, freebsd, guide, howto, interview, libressl, mancgi, mandoc, mdoc, mdocml, meetbsd, mult, netbsd, openbsd, pcbsd, pf, random, soekris, sysjail, tutorial, yarrow

    This time on the show, we've got an interview with Kristaps Džonsons, the creator of mandoc. He tells us how the project got started and what its current status is across the various BSDs. We also have a mini-tutorial on using PF to throttle bandwidth. This week's news, answers to your emails and even some cheesy mailing list gold, coming up on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.

  • 62: Gift from the Sun

    November 5th, 2014  |  34 mins 8 secs
    bsd, capsicum, dragonflybsd, freebsd, geli, geom, guide, howto, illumos, interview, ixsystems, jails, meetbsd, meetbsdca, netbsd, openbsd, openindiana, opensolaris, openzfs, oracle, pcbsd, solaris, sun, tutorial, zfs

    We're away at MeetBSD this week, but we've still got a great show for you. We'll be joined by Pawel Dawidek, who's done quite a lot of things in FreeBSD over the years, including the initial ZFS port. We'll get to hear how that came about, what he's up to now and a whole lot more. We'll be back next week with a normal episode of BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.