Tom Jones is an Internet Researcher and FreeBSD developer that works on improving the core protocols that drive the Internet. He is a
contributor to open standards in the IETF and is enthusiastic about using FreeBSD as a platform to experiment with new networking ideas as they progress towards standardisation.
Tom Jones has hosted 98 Episodes.
597: OpenBSD FRAME sockets
February 6th, 2025 | 51 mins 2 secs
berkeley, bsd, cli, code, dataset, development, distribution, dns cname records, do-not-stab, dragonflybsd, filesystem, foss, frame sockets, freebsd, generative ai, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, http header flag, interview, jail host, jails, multiple networks, netbsd, omnios solaris zones, open source, openbsd, operating system, os, packages, ports, programming, release, shell, software, static dual stack network, storage, tools, trueos, tutorial, unix, utility, zfs, zpool
The Do-Not-Stab flag in the HTTP Header, FreeBSD jail host with multiple local networks, Generative AI is for the idea guys, Static dual stack networking on OmniOS Solaris Zones, FRAME sockets added to OpenBSD, The problem with combining DNS CNAME records and anything else, and more
596: Globbing /etc
January 30th, 2025 | 51 mins 41 secs
/etc/glob, berkeley, bsd, cli, code, dataset, development, distribution, dragonflybsd, filesystem, foss, freebsd, gnat ada compiler, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, indentify, interview, ip addresses, jails, macos/aarch64, netbsd, omnios service parameters, open source, openbgpd, openbsd, operating system, os, packages, ports, programming, release, resolve, shell, software, storage, storage bottleneck, tools, trueos, tutorial, unix, utility, zfs, zpool
Ridding my home network of IP addresses, Tools for Identifying and Resolving Storage Bottlenecks, OpenBGPD 8.7 released, Let's port the GNAT Ada compiler to macOS/aarch64, Modify an OmniOS service parameters, The history and use of /etc/glob in early Unixes, and more
591: The Three Wise Men (hosts)
December 26th, 2024 | 1 hr 11 mins
berkeley, bsd, cli, code, dataset, development, distribution, dragonflybsd, filesystem, foss, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, jails, netbsd, open source, openbsd, operating system, os, packages, ports, programming, release, shell, software, storage, tools, trueos, tutorial, unix, utility, zfs, zpool
In this special episode, we are interviewing ourselves with the questions that out audience asked us many moons ago. Stay tuned for some insights about hobbies, all things computers, projects, and a whole lot more. Have fun and happy holidays!
589: The buffering pipe
December 12th, 2024 | 58 mins 28 secs
berkeley, bsd, buffer, buffering, cli, clock, code, crisis, cyrix, dataset, development, disk i/o, distribution, dragonflybsd, filesystem, foss, freebsd, ghostbsd, guide, hardenedbsd, history, howto, interview, jails, netbsd, omnios server, open source, openbsd, operating system, opnsense, os, packages, pipes, ports, programming, release, shell, software, storage, stuck, time sync, tools, trueos, tutorial, unix, userland, utility, zfs, zpool
Open-Source Software Is in Crisis, A Brief History of Cyrix, Userland Disk I/O, OPNsense 24.7.9 released, GhostBSD 24.10.1 Is Now Available, Why pipes sometimes get "stuck": buffering, Keep your OmniOS server time synced, and more
588: PGP Alternatives
December 5th, 2024 | 1 hr 4 mins
berkeley, bsd, cli, code, dataset, development, distribution, dragonflybsd, evaporation, filesystem, foss, foss surplus, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, ibm, iconic consoles, interview, ipv6, jails, mainframe, nat, netbsd, open source, openbsd, operating system, os, packages, pgp alternatives, pnfs, ports, programming, release, shell, software, spell checking, storage, system/360, tools, trueos, tutorial, unix, utility, vim, zfs, zpool
Deploying pNFS file sharing with FreeBSD, What To Use Instead of PGP, The slow evaporation of the FOSS surplus, I feel that NAT is inevitable even with IPv6, Spell checking in Vim, Iconic consoles of the IBM System/360 mainframes, 55 years old, and more
582: Introducing ZBM
October 24th, 2024 | 58 mins 18 secs
berkeley, broader adoption, bsd, cli, code, daily tasks, dataset, development, distribution, dragonflybsd, filesystem, fish shell, font, foss, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, host, howto, interview, jails, laptop support, mgration, netbsd, one-liners, open source, openbsd, operating system, os, packages, ports, programming, release, shell, software, storage, strategic move, tools, trueos, tutorial, unix, utility, vm, zbm, zero config, zfs, zfsbootmenu, zpool
Why laptop support, why now: FreeBSD’s strategic move toward broader adoption, ZBM 101: Introduction to ZFSBootMenu, How I batch apply and save one-liners, Moving an Entire FreeBSD Installation to a New Host or VM in a Few Easy Steps, How to install "standard" TTF Microsoft fonts, We need more zero config tools, Reasons I still love the fish shell, You Have Installed OpenBSD. Now For The Daily Tasks, and more
581: Releasing more BSDs
October 17th, 2024 | 53 mins 34 secs
acpiduming, activitypub, berkeley, bsd, chezmoi, cli, code, common myths, dataset, debunking, development, distribution, dotfiles, dragonflybsd, fediverse, filesystem, foss, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, jails, netbsd, open source, openbsd, operating system, os, packages, podman, ports, programming, release, shell, snac2, software, storage, testing, tools, trueos, tutorial, unix, utility, zfs, zpool
Debunking Common Myths About FreeBSD - Part 2, FreeBSD 13.4-RELEASE Announcement, OpenBSD -current has moved to version 7.6, acpidumping,Install snac2 on FreeBSD – An ActivityPub Instance for the Fediverse, Managing dotfiles with chezmoi, Podman testing on FreeBSD, and more
578: KVM, but Smol
September 26th, 2024 | 58 mins 9 secs
berkeley, bsd, canonicalization, cli, code, dataset, development, distribution, dma, domain, dragonflybsd, filesystem, foss, freebsd, fun fact, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, jails, kvm, limiting process priority, netbsd, open source, openbsd, operating system, os, packages, ports, postfix, programming, release, shell, software, storage, tools, trueos, tutorial, unix, unix tool list, utility, voyager, zfs, zpool
Limiting Process Priority in a FreeBSD Jail, Why You Should Use FreeBSD, The web fun fact that domains can end in dots and canonicalization failures, Replacing postfix with dma + auth, modern unix tool list, Smol KVM, The Computers of Voyager
577: Multi-Threaded LZ4
September 19th, 2024 | 59 mins 35 secs
abstractions, algorithm, berkeley, bridging, bsd, cli, code, compression, dataset, development, distribution, dragonflybsd, dying computer museum, filesystem, foss, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, infrastructure modernization, interview, investment, jails, lz4, multi-threaded, netbsd, open source, openbsd, operating system, os, packages, ports, programming, release, routing, shell, software, sovereign tech fund, stf, storage, tools, trueos, tutorial, unix, utility, vm-bhyve, zfs, zpool
New Host Introduction 🤭, From Bridging to Routing With FreeBSD, Sovereign Tech Fund to Invest €686,400 in FreeBSD Infrastructure Modernization, The Dying Computer Museum, In practice, abstractions hide their underlying details, LZ4 Compression Algorithm Gets Multi-Threaded Update, Using Windows or Linux on FreeBSD's vm-bhyve, and more
558: Worlds of telnet
May 9th, 2024 | 1 hr 31 mins
aliexpress, attestation, berkeley, bsd, bsdcan, cli, code, cybersecurity compliance, dataset, developers, development, distribution, dragonflybsd, feedback information, file ownership, filesystem, foss, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, jails, mini pcs, netbsd, netbsd 9.4, open source, openbsd, operating system, os, packages, parallel raw ip input, permissions, ports, programming, release, routers, shell, software, ssdf, storage, telnet, tools, trueos, tutorial, unix, utility, zfs, zpool
NetBSD 9.4, FreeBSD SSDF Attestation to Support Cybersecurity Compliance, The Lost Worlds of Telnet, alter file ownership and permissions with a feedback information, parallel raw IP input, OpenBSD routers on AliExpress mini PCs, FreeBSD for Devs. Plus a special interview with the organizers of BSDCAN 2024.
557: 17h per frame
May 2nd, 2024 | 46 mins 52 secs
berkeley, book 8088, bsd, cli, code, console, dataset, development, disk encryption, distribution, dragonflybsd, filesystem, foss, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, jails, lock down, manjaro, netbsd, open source, openbsd, opensmtpd, operating system, os, packages, partnerships, pinebook pro, ports, programming, prometheus, ray tracing, release, resource, shell, software, storage, syscall limitation, tinkering, tools, trillion dollar, trueos, tutorial, unix, utility, zfs, zpool, zx spectrum
Open Source Software: The $9 Trillion Resource Companies Take for Granted, Tinkering with Manjaro and NetBSD on the Pinebook Pro: a crumbs-in-the-forest tutorial & review, OpenSMTPD 7.5.0p0 Released, OpenBSD 7.5 locks down with improved disk encryption support and syscall limitations, Book 8088, Custom Prometheus dashboards using Console templates, FreeBSD Foundation March 2024 Partnerships Update, Ray tracing made possible on 42-year-old ZX Spectrum: 'reasonably fast, if you consider 17 hours per frame to be reasonably fast', and more
556: Cozy OpenBSD
April 25th, 2024 | 53 mins 49 secs
32-bit, 9front, backdoor, berkeley, bsd, cli, code, dataset, debate, development, distribution, dragonflybsd, filesystem, foss, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, jails, netbsd, open source, openbsd, operating system, os, packages, porting, ports, power64, powerpc, programming, release, risc-v mini, shell, software, spies, storage, techies, tools, trueos, tutorial, unix, utility, xz vulnerability, zfs, zpool
OpenBSD is a Cozy Operating System, Lichee Console 4A - RISC-V mini laptop, Lessons learned with XZ vulnerability, Techies vs spies: the xz backdoor debate, Not Not Porting 9front to Power64, One less Un*xy option for 32-bit PowerPC, and more