Tom Jones is an Internet Researcher and FreeBSD developer that works on improving the core protocols that drive the Internet. He is a
contributor to open standards in the IETF and is enthusiastic about using FreeBSD as a platform to experiment with new networking ideas as they progress towards standardisation.
Tom Jones has hosted 98 Episodes.
401: OpenBSD Dog Garage
May 6th, 2021 | 58 mins 3 secs
bandwidth, bandwidth limit, berkeley, bsd, dataset, distribution, dog, dragonflybsd, freebsd, garage, guide, hardenedbsd, history, howto, interview, migration, netbsd, open source, openbsd, operating system, os, packages, ports, release, shell, software, toolchain, trident, truenas, trueos, tutorial, unix, xenix, zfs, zpool
Dog's Garage Runs OpenBSD, EuroBSDcon 2021 Call for Papers, FreeBSD’s iostat, The state of toolchains in NetBSD, Bandwidth limiting on OpenBSD 6.8, FreeBSD's ports migration to git and its impact on HardenedBSD, TrueNAS 12.0-U3 has been released, and more.
400: FreeBSD became 13
April 29th, 2021 | 1 hr 2 mins
berkeley, bsd, d compiler, dataset, distribution, dragonflybsd, freebsd, freebsd 13, google summer of code, gsoc, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, kde, netbsd, open source, openbsd, operating system, os, packages, ports, release, report, shell, software, trident, trueos, tutorial, unix, zfs, zpool
FreeBSD 13 is here, multi-factor authentication on OpenBSD, KDE on FreeBSD 2021o2, NetBSD GSoC report, a working D compiler on OpenBSD, and more