About the show
Created by three guys who love BSD, we cover the latest news and have an extensive series of tutorials, as well as interviews with various people from all areas of the BSD community. It also serves as a platform for support and questions. We love and advocate FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFlyBSD and TrueOS. Our show aims to be helpful and informative for new users that want to learn about them, but still be entertaining for the people who are already pros.
The show airs on Wednesdays at 2:00PM (US Eastern time) and the edited version is usually up the following day.
BSD Now on social media
Episode 265: Software Disenchantment | BSD Now 265
September 27th, 2018 | 1 hr 41 mins
bios, bsd, bsd conference, conference, dragonflybsd, eurobsdcon, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, llvm, netbsd, openbsd, thinkpad, trident, trip report, trueos, tutorial, zfs rsync
We report from our experiences at EuroBSDcon, disenchant software, LLVM 7.0.0 has been released, Thinkpad BIOS update options, HardenedBSD Foundation announced, and ZFS send vs. rsync.
Episode 264: Optimized-out | BSD Now 264
September 20th, 2018 | 1 hr 11 mins
bsd, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, netbsd, openbsd, trident, trueos, tutorial
FreeBSD and DragonflyBSD benchmarks on AMD’s Threadripper, NetBSD 7.2 has been released, optimized out DTrace kernel symbols, stuck UEFI bootloaders, why ed is not a good editor today, tell your BSD story, and more.
Episode 263: Encrypt That Pool | BSD Now 263
September 7th, 2018 | 1 hr 3 mins
asigra, bsd, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, netbsd, openbsd, spectre, trident, trueos, tutorial, vmworld
Mitigating Spectre/Meltdown on HP Proliant servers, omniOS installation setup, debugging a memory corruption issue on OpenBSD, CfT for OpenZFS native encryption, Asigra TrueNAS backup appliance shown at VMworld, NetBSD 6 EoL, and more.
Episode 262: OpenBSD Surfacing | BSD Now 262
September 6th, 2018 | 1 hr 13 mins
bsd, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, netbsd, openbsd, trident, trueos, tutorial
OpenBSD on Microsoft Surface Go, FreeBSD Foundation August Update, What’s taking so long with Project Trident, pkgsrc config file versioning, and MacOS remnants in ZFS code.
Episode 261: FreeBSDcon Flashback | BSD Now 261
August 30th, 2018 | 1 hr 49 mins
bsd, dragonflybsd, foreshadow, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, hyperthreading, interview, netbsd, openbsd, pf-badhost, t1tf, threadripper, tlbleed, trident, trueos, tutorial, x11
Insight into TrueOS and Trident, stop evildoers with pf-badhost, Flashback to FreeBSDcon ‘99, OpenBSD’s measures against TLBleed, play Morrowind on OpenBSD in 5 steps, DragonflyBSD developers shocked at Threadripper performance, and more.
Episode 260: Hacking Tour of Europe | BSD Now 260
August 23rd, 2018 | 1 hr 20 mins
bsd, dragonflybsd, encryption, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, netbsd, openbsd, performance, raspberry pi, remote access, rpi3, trident, trueos, tutorial, zfs
Trip reports from the Essen Hackathon and BSDCam, CfT: ZFS native encryption and UFS trim consolidation, ZFS performance benchmarks on a FreeBSD server, how to port your OS to EC2, Vint Cerf about traceability, Remote Access console to an RPi3 running FreeBSD, and more.
Episode 259: Long Live Unix | BSD Now 259
August 16th, 2018 | 1 hr 47 mins
bsd, dragonflybsd, eurobsdcon, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, netbsd, openbsd, pam, trident, trueos, tutorial, zfs
The strange birth and long life of Unix, FreeBSD jail with a single public IP, EuroBSDcon 2018 talks and schedule, OpenBSD on G4 iBook, PAM template user, ZFS file server, and reflections on one year of OpenBSD use.
Episode 258: OS Foundations | BSD Now 258
August 8th, 2018 | 1 hr 27 mins
bsd, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, netbsd, openbsd, ospfd, spectre, trident, trueos, tutorial, zfs
FreeBSD Foundation July Newsletter, a bunch of BSDCan trip reports, HardenedBSD Foundation status, FreeBSD and OSPFd, ZFS disk structure overview, and more Spectre mitigations in OpenBSD.
Episode 257: Great NetBSD 8 | BSD Now 257
August 2nd, 2018 | 1 hr 23 mins
arm64, bsd, dragonflybsd, encrypted backups, freebsd, g2k18 reports, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, netbsd, openbsd, trident, trueos, tutorial, zpool checkpoints
NetBSD 8.0 available, FreeBSD on Scaleway’s ARM64 VPS, encrypted backups with OpenBSD, Dragonfly server storage upgrade, zpool checkpoints, g2k18 hackathon reports, and more.
Episode 256: Because Computers | BSD Now 2^8
July 25th, 2018 | 1 hr 44 mins
bsd, cfs, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, infinitybook, interview, jails, netbsd, openbsd, ps4, trident, trueos, tutorial, tuxedo, ule
FreeBSD ULE vs. Linux CFS, OpenBSD on Tuxedo InfinityBook, how zfs diff reports filenames efficiently, why choose FreeBSD over Linux, PS4 double free exploit, OpenBSD’s wifi autojoin, and FreeBSD jails the hard way.
Episode 255: What Are You Pointing At | BSD Now 255
July 18th, 2018 | 1 hr 20 mins
bsd, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, kde, netbsd, openbsd, trident, trueos, tutorial, zfs
What ZFS blockpointers are, zero-day rewards offered, KDE on FreeBSD status, new FreeBSD core team, NetBSD WiFi refresh, poor man’s CI, and the power of Ctrl+T.
Episode 254: Bare the OS | BSD Now 254
July 12th, 2018 | 1 hr 31 mins
bsd, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, netbsd, openbsd, trident, trueos, tutorial
Control flow integrity with HardenedBSD, fixing bufferbloat with OpenBSD’s pf, Bareos Backup Server on FreeBSD, MeetBSD CfP, crypto simplified interface, twitter gems, interesting BSD commits, and more.