We found 2 episodes of BSD Now with the tag “michael w lucas”.
25: A Sixth pfSense
February 19th, 2014 | 1 hr 7 mins
2014, amazon, asiabsdcon, bandwidth, books, bsd, build, custom, dragonflybsd, ec2, edge router, edgebsd, edgerouter, edgerouter lite, eurobsdcon, eurobsdcon2014, firewall, fosdem, freebsd, freebsd journal, gateway, graphs, guide, hackathon, hangout, howto, images, instance, interview, ipfilter, ipfw, michael w lucas, mips, netbsd, new zealand, openbsd, pcbsd, pf, pfsense, php, pkgsrc, router, signed packages, smp, tutorial, web interface, webui
We have a packed show for you this week! We'll sit down for an interview with Chris Buechler, from the pfSense project, to learn just how easy it can be to deploy a BSD firewall. We'll also be showing you a walkthrough of the pfSense interface so you can get an idea of just how convenient and powerful it is. Answers to your questions and the latest headlines, here on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
12: Collecting SSHells
November 20th, 2013 | 1 hr 8 mins
2013, amitai schlair, asiabsdcon, bsd, dev, developer, devsummit, donations, dragonflybsd, eurobsdcon, eurobsdcon2013, foundation, freebsd, fundraiser, gnu, guide, howto, interview, launch, linux, michael w lucas, netbsd, openbsd, openssh, orbis os, orbisos, pbulk, pcbsd, pkgsrc, playstation, playstation4, presentation, ps4, schmonz, screen, sony, ssh, summit, talk, tetris, tmux, tutorial
This week we'll be talking to Amitai Schlair of the NetBSD foundation about pkgsrc, NetBSD's future plans and much more. After that, if you've ever wondered what all this SSH stuff is about, today's tutorial has got you covered. We'll be showing you the basics of SSH, as well as how to combine it with tmux for persistent sessions. News, feedback and everything else, right here on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.