Episode 12

Collecting SSHells


November 20th, 2013

1 hr 8 mins 11 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

This week we'll be talking to Amitai Schlair of the NetBSD foundation about pkgsrc, NetBSD's future plans and much more. After that, if you've ever wondered what all this SSH stuff is about, today's tutorial has got you covered. We'll be showing you the basics of SSH, as well as how to combine it with tmux for persistent sessions. News, feedback and everything else, right here on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.


Faces of FreeBSD

  • The FreeBSD foundation is publishing articles on different FreeBSD developers
  • This one is about Colin Percival (cperciva@), the ex-security officer
  • Tells the story of how he first found BSD, what he contributed back, how he eventually became the security officer
  • Running series with more to come ***

Lots of BSD presentation videos uploaded

  • EuroBSDCon 2013 dev summit videos, AsiaBSDCon 2013 videos, MWL's presentation video
  • Most of us never get to see the dev summit talks since they're only for developers
  • AsiaBSDCon 2013 videos also up finally
  • List of AsiaBSDCon presentation topics here
  • Our buddy Michael W Lucas gave an "OpenBSD for Linux users" talk at a Michigan Unix Users Group.
  • He says "Among other things, I compare OpenBSD to Richard Stallman and physically assault an audience member. We also talk long long time, memory randomization, PF, BSD license versus GPL, Microsoft and other OpenBSD stuff"
  • Really informative presentation, pretty long, answers some common questions at the end ***

Call for Presentations: FOSDEM 2014 and NYCBSDCon 2014

  • FOSDEM 2014 will take place on 1–2 February, 2014, in Brussels, Belgium
  • Just like in the last years, there will be both a BSD booth and a developer's room
  • The topics of the devroom include all BSD operating systems. Every talk is welcome, from internal hacker discussion to real-world examples and presentations about new and shiny features.
  • If you are in the area or want to go, check the show notes for details
  • NYCBSDCon is also accepting papers.
  • It'll be in New York City at the beginning of February 2014
  • If anyone wants to give a talk at one of these conferences, go ahead and send in your stuff! ***

FreeBSD foundation's year-end fundraising campaign

  • The FreeBSD foundation has been supporting the FreeBSD project and community for over 13 years
  • As of today they have raised about half a million dollars, but still have a while to go
  • Donations go towards new features, paying for the server infrastructure, conferences, supporting the community, hiring full-time staff members and promoting FreeBSD at events
  • They are preparing the debut of a new online magazine, the FreeBSD Journal
  • Typically big companies make their huge donations in December, like a couple of anonymous donors that gave around $250,000 each last year
  • Make your donation today over at freebsdfoundation.org, every little bit helps
  • Everyone involved with BSD Now made a donation last year and will do so again this year ***

Interview - Amitai Schlair - schmonz@netbsd.org / @schmonz

The NetBSD Foundation, pkgsrc, future plans


Combining SSH and tmux

  • Note: there was a mistake in the video version of the tutorial, please consult the written version for the proper instructions. ***

News Roundup

PS4 released

  • Sony's Playstation 4 is finally released
  • As previously thought, its OS is heavily based on FreeBSD and uses the kernel among other things
  • Link in the show notes contains the full list of BSD software they're using
  • Always good to see BSD being so widespread ***

BSD Mag November issue

  • Free monthly BSD magazine publishes another issue
  • This time their topics include: Configuring a Highly Available Service on FreeBSD, IT Inventory & Asset Management Automation, more FreeBSD Programming Primer, PfSense and Snort and a few others
  • PDF linked in the show notes ***

pbulk builds made easy

  • NetBSD's pbulk tool is similar to poudriere, but for pkgsrc
  • While working on updating the documentation, a developer cleaned up quite a lot of code
  • He wrote a script that automates pbulk deployment and setup
  • The whole setup of a dedicated machine has been reduced to just three commands ***

PCBSD weekly digest

  • Over 200 PBIs have been populated in to the PC-BSD 10 Stable Appcafe
  • Many PC-BSD programs received some necessary bug fixes and updates
  • Some include network detection in the package and update managers, nvidia graphic detection, security updates for PCDM ***
