We found 10 episodes of BSD Now with the tag “conference”.
66: Conference Connoisseur
December 3rd, 2014 | 1 hr 22 mins
alix, apu, asiabsdcon, bsd, bsdcan, community, conference, dragonflybsd, eurobsdcon, foundation, freebsd, guide, howto, interview, meetbsd, netbsd, netgate, openbsd, organization, pcbsd, pcengines, pfsense, router, soekris, tutorial
This week on the show, we'll be talking with Paul Schenkeveld, chairman of the EuroBSDCon foundation. He tells us about his experiences running BSD conferences and how regular users can get involved too. We've also got answers to all your emails and the latest news, coming up on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
59: BSDって聞いたことある?
October 15th, 2014 | 1 hr 20 mins
allbsd, asiabsdcon, bsd, conference, daichi goto, dragonflybsd, eurobsdcon, flashrd, freebsd, freenas, guide, hiroki sato, howto, interview, japan, japanese, netbsd, openbsd, pcbsd, pfsense, tutorial, xdc2014, 佐藤広生, 後藤大地, 日本語
This week on the show we'll be talking with Hiroki Sato about the status of BSD in Japan. We also get to hear about how he got on the core team, and we just might find out why NetBSD is so popular over there! Answers to all your emails, the latest news, and even a brand new segment, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
38: A BUG's Life
May 21st, 2014 | 1 hr 28 mins
11.0, 3rd edition, binary, bsd, bsd user group, bug, cobug, colorado, community, compile, conference, cron, dragonflybsd, encrypted, financial report, foundation, freebsd, full disk encryption, guide, honeypot, howto, interview, kippo, libressl, lug, monitoring, nas, netbsd, network attached storage, new york, nycbsdcon, nycbug, openbsd, openssl, packages, pcbsd, periodic, pf, pkgsrc, ports, presentation, routing domains, script kiddies, signing, source, ssh, the book of pf, third edition, tutorial, unix users group, users group, uug
We're back from BSDCan! This week on the show we'll be chatting with Brian Callahan and Aaron Bieber about forming a local BSD users group. We'll get to hear their experiences of running one and maybe encourage some of you to start your own! After that, we've got a tutorial on the basics of NetBSD's package manager, pkgsrc. Answers to your emails and the latest headlines, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
37: BSDCanned Goods
May 14th, 2014 | 2 hrs 7 mins
bsd, bsdcan, conference, convention, dragonflybsd, emails, feedback, freebsd, guide, howto, interview, netbsd, openbsd, openzfs, ottawa, pcbsd, questions, support, tutorial, zfs
This week we're at BSDCan, ganging up on people and forcing them to give us interviews. Assuming we don't get arrested for harassment, we'll be back next week with your regularly scheduled programming. For now, we've got some feedback emails to catch up on, as well as a prerecorded talk Matt Ahrens gave about ZFS. We'll be back to tell you all about the conference next week, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
33: Certified Package Delivery
April 16th, 2014 | 1 hr 20 mins
0day, bsd, bsd certification, bsdcan, bsdcertification, conference, cve, distributed ports builder, dpb, dragonflybsd, exam, exploit, foundation, freebsd, guide, heartbeat, heartbleed, hole, howto, interview, ixsystems, jim brown, journal, marc espie, mitigation, netbsd, netflix, nycbsdcon, openbsd, openssh, openssl, package builds, pcbsd, poudriere, presentations, recording, ssl, talks, tarsnap, test, theo de raadt, tls, tutorial, zero day
This week, we sit down with Jim Brown from the BSD Certification group to talk about the BSD exams. Following that, we'll be showing you how to build OpenBSD binary packages in bulk, a la poudriere. There's a boatload of news and we've got answers to your questions, coming up on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
24: The Cluster & The Cloud
February 12th, 2014 | 1 hr 9 mins
big data, binary packages, bsd, chroot, cloud, cloud computing, cluster, conference, convention, dragonflybsd, file sharing, filesharing, freebsd, guide, howto, http, httperf, hybridcluster, instances, interview, jails, keynote, linux, linux user, netbsd, nyc, nycbsdcon, nycbug, open stack, openbsd, openstack, pcbsd, performance, pkg, pkg_add, pkgng, presentation, provisioning, scaling, sftp, shell, smp, ssh, switching to bsd, talks, tutorial, virtualization, vpn, web hosting, webhosting, zfs
This week on BSD Now... a wrap-up from NYCBSDCon! We'll also be talking to Luke Marsden, CEO of HybridCluster, about how they use BSD at large. Following that, our tutorial will show you how to securely share files with SFTP in a chroot. The latest news and answers to your questions, of course it's BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
22: Journaled News-Updates
January 29th, 2014 | 1 hr 30 mins
acpi, anoncvs, binary, branch, bsd, buildworld, conference, convention, current, cvs, dragonflybsd, efi, ffs, freebsd, freebsd journal, gce, george neville-neil, gnn, google compute engine, guide, hackathon, howto, interview, journal, make build, matt ahrens, n2k14, netbsd, new zealand, news, nyc, nycbsdcon, openbsd, openzfs, pcbsd, pfsense, poudriere, release engineering, secure boot, secureboot, stable, tutorial, uefi, ufs, update, upgrade, zfs
This time on the show, we'll be talking with George Neville-Neil about the brand new FreeBSD Journal and what it's all about. After that, we've got a tutorial on how to track the -stable and -current branches of OpenBSD. Answers to all your BSD questions and the latest headlines, only on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.