Episode 57

The Daemon's Apprentice


October 1st, 2014

1 hr 30 mins 17 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

We're back from EuroBSDCon! This week we'll be talking with Steve Wills about mentoring new BSD developers. If you've ever considered becoming a developer or helping out, it's actually really easy to get involved. We've also got all the BSD news for the week and answers to your emails, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.

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NetBSD at Hiroshima Open Source Conference

  • NetBSD developers are hard at work, putting NetBSD on everything they can find
  • At a technology conference in Hiroshima, some developers brought their exotic machines to put on display
  • As usual, there are lots of pictures and a nice report from the conference ***

FreeBSD's Linux emulation overhaul

  • For a long time, FreeBSD's emulation layer has been based on an ancient Fedora 10 system
  • If you've ever needed to install Adobe Flash on BSD, you'll be stuck with all this extra junk
  • With some recent work, that's been replaced with a recent CentOS release
  • This opens up the door for newer versions of Skype to run on FreeBSD, and maybe even Steam someday ***

pfSense 2.2-BETA

  • Big changes are coming in pfSense land, with their upcoming 2.2 release
  • We talked to the developer a while back about future plans, and now they're finally out there
  • The 2.2 branch will be based on FreeBSD 10-STABLE (instead of 8.3) and include lots of performance fixes
  • It also includes some security updates, lots of package changes and updates and much more
  • You can check the full list of changes on their wiki ***

NetBSD on the Raspberry Pi

  • This article shows how you can install NetBSD on the ever-so-popular Raspberry Pi
  • As of right now, you'll need to use a -CURRENT snapshot to do it
  • It also shows how to grow the filesystem to fill up an SD card, some pkgsrc basics and how to get some initial things set up
  • Can anyone find something that you can't install NetBSD on? ***

Interview - Steve Wills - swills@freebsd.org / @swills

Mentoring new BSD developers

News Roundup

MidnightBSD 0.5 released

  • We don't hear a whole lot about MidnightBSD, but they've just released version 0.5
  • It's got a round of the latest FreeBSD security patches, driver updates and various small things
  • Maybe one of their developers could come on the show sometime and tell us more about the project ***

BSD Router Project 1.52 released

  • The newest update for the BSD Router Project is out
  • This version is based on a snapshot of 10-STABLE that's very close to 10.1-RELEASE
  • It's mostly a bugfix release, but includes some small changes and package updates ***

Configuring a DragonFly BSD desktop

  • We've done tutorials on how to set up a FreeBSD or OpenBSD desktop, but maybe you're more interested in DragonFly
  • In this post from Justin Sherrill, you'll learn some of the steps to do just that
  • He pulled out an old desktop machine, gave it a try and seems to be pleased with the results
  • It includes a few Xorg tips, and there are some comments about the possibility of making a GUI DragonFly installer ***

Building a mini-ITX pfSense box

  • Another week, another pfSense firewall build post
  • This time, the author is installing to a Jetway J7F2, a mini-ITX device with four LAN ports
  • He used to be a m0n0wall guy, but wanted to give the more modern pfSense a try
  • Lots of great pictures of the hardware, which we always love ***
