Episode 15

Kickin' NAS


December 11th, 2013

1 hr 48 mins 13 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

This time on the show, we'll be looking at the new version of FreeNAS, a BSD-based network attached storage solution, as well as talking to Josh Paetzel - one of the key developers of FreeNAS. Actually, he's on the FreeBSD release engineering team too, and does quite a lot for the project. We've got answers to your viewer-submitted questions and plenty of news to cover, so get ready for some BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.

This episode was brought to you by

iXsystems - Enterprise Servers and Storage For Open Source


More faces of FreeBSD

  • Another installment of the FoF series
  • This time they talk with Reid Linnemann who works at Spectra Logic
  • Gives a history of all the different jobs he's done, all the programming languages he knows
  • Mentions how he first learned about FreeBSD, actually pretty similar to Kris' story
  • "I used the system to build and install ports, and explored, getting actively involved in the mailing lists and forums, studying, passing on my own limited knowledge to those who could benefit from it. I pursued my career in the open source software world, learning the differences in BSD and GNU licensing and the fragmented nature of Linux distributions, realizing the FreeBSD community was more mature and well distributed about industry, education, and research. Everything steered me towards working with and on FreeBSD."
  • Now works on FreeBSD as his day job
  • The second one covers Brooks Davis
  • FreeBSD committer since 2001 and core team member from 2006 through 2012
  • He's helped drive our transition from a GNU toolchain to a more modern LLVM-based toolchain
  • "One of the reasons I like FreeBSD is the community involved in the process of building a principled, technically-advanced operating system platform. Not only do we produce a great product, but we have fun doing it."
  • Lots more in the show notes ***

We cannot trust Intel and Via’s chip-based crypto

  • We woke up to see FreeBSD on the front page of The Register, Ars Technica, Slashdot and Hacker News for their strong stance on security and respecting privacy
  • At the EuroBSDCon dev summit, there was some discussion about removing support for hardware-based random number generators.
  • FreeBSD's /dev/random got some updates and, for 10.0, will no longer allow the use of Intel or VIA's hardware RNGs as the sole point of entropy
  • "It will still be possible to access hardware random number generators, that is, RDRAND, Padlock etc., directly by inline assembly or by using OpenSSL from userland, if required, but we cannot trust them any more" ***

OpenSMTPD 5.4.1 released

  • The OpenBSD developers came out with major a new version
  • Improved config syntax (please check your smtpd.conf before upgrading)
  • Adds support for TLS Perfect Forward Secrecy and custom CA certificate
  • MTA, Queue and SMTP server improvements
  • SNI support confirmed for the next version
  • Check the show notes for the full list of changes, pretty huge release
  • Watch Episode 3 for an interview we did with the developers ***

More getting to know your portmgr

  • The portmgr secretary, Thomas Abthorpe, interviews... himself!
  • Joined as -secretary in March 2010, upgraded to full member in March 2011
  • His inspiration for using BSD is "I wanted to run a webserver, and I wanted something free. I was going to use something linux, then met up with a former prof from university, and shared my story with him. He told me FreeBSD was the way to go."
  • Mentions how he loves that anyone can contribute and watch it "go live"
  • The second one covers Baptiste Daroussin
  • The reason for his nick, bapt, is "Baptiste is too long to type"
  • There's even a video of bapt joining the team! ***

Interview - Santa Clause - josh@ixsystems.com / @freenasteam

FreeNAS 9.2.0

Note: we originally scheduled the interview to be with Josh Paetzel, but Santa showed up instead.


FreeNAS walkthrough

News Roundup

Introducing configinit

  • CloudInit is "a system originally written for Ubuntu which performs configuration of a system at boot-time based on user-data provided via EC2"
  • Wasn't ideal for FreeBSD since it requires python and is designed around the concept of configuring a system by running commands (rather than editing configuration files)
  • Colin Percival came up with configinit, a FreeBSD alternative
  • Alongside his new "firstboot-pkgs" port, it can spin up a webserver in 120 seconds from "launch" of the EC2 instance
  • Check the show notes for full blog post ***

OpenSSH support for Ed25519 and bcrypt keys

  • New Ed25519 key support (hostkeys and user identities) using the public domain ed25519 reference code
  • SSH private keys were encrypted with a symmetric key that's just an MD5 of their password
  • Now they'll be using bcrypt by default
  • We'll get more into this in next week's interview ***

The FreeBSD challenge

  • A member of the Linux foundation blogs about using FreeBSD
  • Goes through all the beginner steps, has to "unlearn" some of his Linux ways
  • Only a few posts as of this time, but it's a continuing series that may be helpful for switchers ***

PCBSD weekly digest

  • GNOME3, cinnamon and mate desktops are in the installer
  • Compat layer updated to CentOS 6, enables newest Skype
  • Looking for people to test printers and hplip
  • Continuing work on grub, but the ability to switch between bootloaders is back ***
