Episode 153

Big int trouble


August 3rd, 2016

1 hr 17 mins 29 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

This week on BSDNow, we have a variety of news to discuss, covering quite the spectrum of BSD. (Including a new DragonFly release!).

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my int is too big

  • “The NCC Group report describes the bugs, but not the history of the code.”
  • “Several of them, as reported by NCC, involved similar integer truncation issues. Actually, they involved very similar modern 64 bit code meeting classic 32 bit code”
  • “The thrsleep system call is a part of the kernel code that supports threads. As the name implies, it gives userland a measure of control over scheduling and lets a thread sleep until something happens. As such, it takes a timeout in the form of a timespec. The kernel, however, internally implements time keeping using ticks (there are HZ, 100, ticks per second). The tsleep function (t is for timed) takes an int number of ticks and performs basic validation by checking that it’s not negative. A negative timeout would indicate that the caller has miscalculated. The kernel panics so you can fix the bug, instead of stalling forever.”
  • “The trouble therefore is when userland is allowed to specify a timeout that could be negative. The existing code made an attempt to handle various tricks by converting the timespec to a ticks value stored as a 64 bit long long which was checked against INT_MAX before passing to sleep. Any value over INT_MAX would be truncated, so we can’t allow that. Instead, we saturate the value to INT_MAX. Unfortunately, this check didn’t account for the possibility that the tick conversion from the timespec could also overflow and result in a negative value.”
  • Then there is the description of the kqueue flaw:
  • “Every kqueue keeps a list of all the attached events it’s watching for. A simple array is used to store file events, indexed by fd.”
  • “This array is scaled to accommodate the largest fd that needs to be stored. This would obviously cause trouble, consuming too much memory, if the identifier were not validated first. Which is exactly what kqueue tries to do. The fd_getfile function checks that the identifier is a file that the process has open. One wrinkle. fd_getfile takes an int argument but ident is a uintptr_t, possibly 64 bits. An ident of 232 + 2 will look like a valid file descriptor, but then cause the array to be resized to gargantuan proportions.”
  • “Again, the fix is pretty simple. We must check that the ident is bounded by INT_MAX before calling fd_getfile. This bug likely would have been exploitable beyond a panic, but the array allocation was changed to use mallocarray instead of multiplying arguments by hand, thus preventing another overflow.”
  • Then there is a description of the anonymous mmap flaw, and the “secret magic” __MAP_NOFAULT flag ***

FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report Q2 2016

  • It’s time for another round of FreeBSD Quarterly Status Reports!
  • In this edition, we have status updates from the various teams, including IRC/Bugs/RE/Ports/Core and Foundation
  • We also have updates on some specific projects, including from Konstantin on the on-going work for his implementation of ASLR, including the new ‘proccontrol’ command which provides the following: > “The proccontrol(1) utility was written to manage and query ASLR enforcement on a per-process basis. It is required for analyzing ASLR failures in specific programs. This utility leverages the procctl(2) interface which was added to the previous version of the patch, with some bug fixes.”
  • Next are updates on porting CEPH to FreeBSD, the ongoing work to improve EFI+GELI (touched on last week) and more robust Mutexes.
  • Additionally we have an update from Matt Macy and the Xorg team discussing the current work to update FreeBSD’s graphic stack: > “All Intel GPUs up to and including the unreleased Kaby Lake are supported. The xf86-video-intel driver will be updated soon. Updating this driver requires updating Xorg, which in turn is blocked on Nvidia updates.”
  • The kernel also got some feature status updates, including on the new Allwinner SoC support, an update on FreeBSD in Hyper-V and VIMAGE
  • In addition to a quick update on the arm64 architecture (It’s getting there, RPi3 is almost a thing), we also have a slew of port updates, including support for GitLab in ports, updates on GNOME / KDE and some additional Intel-specific networking tools. ***

Vulnerabilities discovered in freebsd-update and portsnap

  • There are two vulnerabilities discovered in freebsd-update and portsnap, where an attacker could place files in the portsnap directory and they would be used without being subject to having their checksum verified (but this requires root access), and the second where a man-in-the-middle attacker could guess the name of a file you will fetch by exploiting the time-gap between when you download the initial snapshot, and when you fetch the updated files.
  • There are a number of vulnerabilities that were discovered in libarchive/tar as well
  • There is also an issue with bspatch. A security advisory for bspatch has already been released, as this vulnerabilities was also discovered by the Chromium team, which uses this same code. The patch discussed in this mailing list thread is larger, but secteam@ believes at least one of the additional checks introduced is incorrect and may prevent a valid patch from being applied. The smaller patch was pushed out first, to solve the main attack vector, while the larger patch is investigated. Automated fuzz testing is underway. Great care is being taken fixing bspatch, as if it is broken installing future updates becomes much more difficult
  • secteam@ and core@ would like to emphasize that the FreeBSD project takes these issue very seriously and are working on it > “As a general rule, secteam@ does not announce vulnerabilities for which we don't have patches, but we concede that we should have considered making an exception in this case”
  • Work is underway to re-architect freebsd-update and portsnap to do signature verification on all files before they are passed to libarchive/tar, to help protect users from any future vulnerabilities in libarchive.
  • However, this requires changes to the metadata format to provide these additional signatures, and backwards compatibilities must be preserved, so people can update to the newer versions to get these additional security features
  • There is also discussion of using HTTPS for delivery of the files, but certificate verification and trust are always an issue. FreeBSD does not distribute a certificate trust store by default.
  • There will be more on this in the coming days. ***

OpenSSH 7.3 Released

  • OpenSSH 7.3 has landed!
  • Primarily a bug-fix release, the release notes do mention the pending deprecation of some more legacy Crypto in the future, including denying all RSA keys < 1024bit, and removal of SSHv1 support. (Already disabled via compile option)
  • On the bug side, there was a security issue addressed in sshd:

    “sshd(8): Mitigate a potential denial-of-service attack against the system's crypt(3) function via sshd(8). An attacker could send very long passwords that would cause excessive CPU use in crypt(3). sshd(8) now refuses to accept password authentication requests of length greater than 1024 characters”

  • Also a timing issue was resolved in regard to password auth, which could possibly allow an attacker to discern between valid/invalid account names.

  • On the feature side, we have the new ProxyJump option (-J flag) which allows you to do simplified indirection through various SSH jump hosts.

  • Various bugs were fixed, and some compile failures resolved in the portable version to auto-disable some ciphers not supported by OpenSSL.

News Roundup

OpenBSD Ports - Integrating Third Party Applications [pdf]

  • A talk from Josh Grosse, presented at SEMIBUG (South-East Michigan BSD Users Group), about OpenBSD Ports
  • It opens by explaining the separation of the ‘base system’ from ‘packages’, as is common in most all BSDs
  • It explains the contents of OpenBSD package tar file, which contain some metadata files (+CONTENTS and +DESC) and then the actual package files
  • The talk goes on to explain the different branches (-release, -stable, and -current), and warn users that there are no official -stable packages from the project
  • Then it goes on into the development model, including what new contributors should expect
  • Then it walks through the entire process of creating a port and getting it contributed ***

NetBSD removes last RWX page in amd64 kernel

  • NetBSD has purged the last holdout RWX page on the amd64 platform > “Use UVM_PROT_ALL only if UVM_KMF_EXEC is given as argument. Otherwise, if UVM_KMF_PAGEABLE is also given as argument, only the VA is allocated and UVM waits for the page to fault before kentering it. When kentering it, it will use the UVM_PROT_ flag that was passed to uvm_map; which means that it will kenter it as RWX. With this change, the number of RWX pages in the amd64 kernel reaches strictly zero.”
  • Break out the party favors! Hopefully any last stragglers in any of the other BSD’s gets retired soon as well. ***

DragonFly BSD 4.6 launches with home-grown support for NVMe Controllers

  • Softpedia picked up on the release of DragonFlyBSD 4.6, specifically about their new home-grown NVMe driver. > “We now have a NVMe driver (PCIe SSDs). It currently must be kldloaded with nvme_load="YES" in /boot/loader.conf. The driver uses all concurrency features offered by the chip and will distribute queues and interrupts across multiple CPUs to maximize performance. It has been tested up to around 1.05M IOPS @4K, and roughly 6.5 GBytes/sec @32K (random read from urandom-filled partition, physio, many threads), with the 2xE5-2620v4 (xeon) test server 78% idle in the IOPS test and 72% idle on the bandwidth test. In other words, we maxed out the three NVMe devices we had plugged in and the system still had plenty of suds left over. Please note that a machine's ability to boot from an NVMe device depends on the BIOS, and not DragonFly. Most BIOSes cannot boot from NVMe devices and those that can probably only do it through UEFI. Info on device state is available with the new utility nvmectl.“
  • In addition to this improved support, 4.6 also brings in the improved graphics support, matching what is in Linux 4.4 and support for Broadwell/Skylake.
  • SMP also got some love: > “SMP performance was already very good. As part of the NVMe driver work we revamped the buffer cache subsystem and a number of other I/O related paths, further reducing lock contention and IPI signalling overheads. We also put topology-aware cpu cache localization into the kernel memory allocator (primarily helps multi-socket systems and systems with high core counts). The network subsystem also continues to receive significant improvement, with modest machine configurations now capable of handling upwards of 580K conns/sec.“ +Full Release Notes ***

The powerd++ daemon monitors the system load and adjusts the CPU clock accordingly and is a drop-in replacement for FreeBSD's native powerd(8).

  • As mentioned in our EuroBSDCon 2016 rundown, Dominic Fandrey will be giving a presentation about his powerd replacement, powerd++
  • The source code is already available on github, and is in ports
  • The major difference is the newer design handle many-core systems much better. The original powerd was written at a time when most laptops only had a single core, and maybe a hyperthread.
  • The new design decides which CPU frequency to use by looking at the busiest core, rather than the average across the cores, resulting in a more meaningful result. It also supports averaging over a longer period of time, to avoid jumping to a higher frequency to quickly
  • powerd++ also avoids ‘slewing’ the cpu frequency, ratching it up and down one step at a time, and instead jumps directly to the target frequency.
  • Often times, you will use less battery by jumping to maximum frequency, finishing the work, and going back to a low power state, than trying to do that work over a longer period of time in low power mode ***

Beastie Bits

Hyper-V: Unmapped I/O improves userland direct disk performance by 35% ~ 135%

One does not simply remove FreeBSD

A new BSD Podcast "BSD Synergy" has started

KnoxBug - Next Meeting - Aug 30th
