Episode 108

ServeUp BSD


September 23rd, 2015

1 hr 18 mins 1 sec

Your Hosts

About this Episode

This week on the show, Allan is heading to Sweden, but we have a great interview with Andrew Pantyukhin to bring you. We will be discussing everything from contributions to FreeBSD, which technologies worked best in the datacenter, config management and more.

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Allan is away this week, traveling to Sweden for the ACM womENcourage conference followed by EuroBSDCon, but we have an excellent interview for you, so sit back and enjoy the show. Allan will be back on October 5th, so we look forward to bringing you a live show, with all the details about EuroBSD and more!

Interview - Andrew Pantyukhin - infofarmer@gmail.com / @infofarmer

Building products with FreeBSD