We found 8 episodes of BSD Now with the tag “x11”.
419: Rethinking OS installs
September 9th, 2021 | 51 mins 39 secs
alpha cpu, berkeley, bsd, dataset, dec, distribution, done differently, dragonflybsd, freebsd, ghostbsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, irix, learning, llvm, netbsd, open source, openbsd, operating system, os, os install, packages, port, ports, qemu, rc.d, release, rethink, retrospect, review, shell, software, trident, trueos, tutorial, unix, x11, zfs, zpool
Reviewing a first OpenBSD port, NetBSD 9.2 on a DEC Alpha CPU in QEMU with X11, FreeBSD Experiment Rethinks the OS Install, GhostBSD switching to FreeBSD rc.d, Irix gets LLVM, and more.
345: Switchers to BSD
April 9th, 2020 | 47 mins 48 secs
bsd, community, dragonflybsd, feedback, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, netbsd, nextcloud, openbsd, risc, risc os, screen locking, trident, trueos, tutorial, x11
NetBSD 8.2 is available, NextCloud on OpenBSD, X11 screen locking, NetBSD and RISC OS running parallel, community feedback about switching to BSD, and more.
324: Emergency Space Mode
November 14th, 2019 | 46 mins 30 secs
awk, batch, bsd, dhcpcd, dragonflybsd, emergency space mode, freebsd, guide, hammer 2, hardenedbsd, howto, icccm, interview, migrating drive, migrating zpool, migration, netbsd, openbsd, renaming, trident, trueos, tutorial, x11, zlib, zpool
Migrating drives and zpool between hosts, OpenBSD in 2019, Dragonfly’s new zlib and dhcpcd, Batch renaming images and resolution with awk, a rant on the X11 ICCCM selection system, hammer 2 emergency space mode, and more.
318: The TrueNAS Library
October 2nd, 2019 | 46 mins 40 secs
amd, benchmark, bsd, digital archives, digital library, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, netbsd, obscure tools, openbsd, presidential archive, presidential library, project trident, ryzen, ryzen 7, ryzen 7 3700x, trident, trip report, truenas, trueos, tutorial, unix, unix artifacts, vbsdcon, x11
DragonFlyBSD vs. FreeBSD vs. Linux benchmark on Ryzen 7, JFK Presidential Library chooses TrueNAS for digital archives, FreeBSD 12.1-beta is available, cool but obscure X11 tools, vBSDcon trip report, Project Trident 12-U7 is available, a couple new Unix artifacts, and more.
305: Changing face of Unix
July 3rd, 2019 | 56 mins 9 secs
bsd, doas, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, netbsd, openbsd, opnsense, risc-v, sdf32, storage, trident, trueos, tutorial, unix50, wine, x windows, x11
Website protection with OPNsense, FreeBSD Support Pull Request for ZFS-on-Linux, How much has Unix changed, Porting Wine to amd64 on NetBSD, FreeBSD Enterprise 1 PB Storage, the death watch for X11 has started, and more.
Episode 261: FreeBSDcon Flashback | BSD Now 261
August 30th, 2018 | 1 hr 49 mins
bsd, dragonflybsd, foreshadow, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, hyperthreading, interview, netbsd, openbsd, pf-badhost, t1tf, threadripper, tlbleed, trident, trueos, tutorial, x11
Insight into TrueOS and Trident, stop evildoers with pf-badhost, Flashback to FreeBSDcon ‘99, OpenBSD’s measures against TLBleed, play Morrowind on OpenBSD in 5 steps, DragonflyBSD developers shocked at Threadripper performance, and more.
50: VPN, My Dear Watson
August 13th, 2014 | 1 hr 27 mins
bsd, dragonflybsd, exploit mitigation, freebsd, freenas, freenas mini, guide, howto, interview, ixsystems, kansai, libressl, lzo, meetbsd, nas, netbsd, network attached storage, openbsd, openssl, openvpn, pcbsd, rump kernels, security, ssh, tls, tunnel, tutorial, vpn, vps, x11, xenocara, xorg, zfs
It's our 50th episode, and we're going to show you how to protect your internet traffic with a BSD-based VPN. We'll also be talking to Robert Watson, of the FreeBSD core team, about security research, exploit mitigation and a whole lot more. The latest news and answers to all of your emails, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
27: BSD Now vs. BSDTalk
March 5th, 2014 | 1 hr 42 mins
2014, bcrypt, bootable, bsd, bsd jail, bsdtalk, build.sh, building a release, cross compile, cross-build, dd, dragonflybsd, ezjail, freebsd, google summer of code, gsoc, gsoc2014, guide, howto, interview, ixsystems, jails, monitoring, netbsd, network, openbsd, openbsd usb drive, opensmtpd, openssh, packet filtering, pcbsd, pf, pflow, podcast, portability, portable, solar designer, spamd, tcpdump, tutorial, usb, will backman, x11
The long-awaited meetup is finally happening on today's show. We're going to be interviewing the original BSD podcaster, Will Backman, to discuss what he's been up to and what the future of BSD advocacy looks like. After that, we'll be showing you how to track (and even cross-compile!) the -CURRENT branch of NetBSD. We've got answers to user-submitted questions and the latest news, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.