We found 3 episodes of BSD Now with the tag “tame”.
105: Virginia BSD Assembly
September 2nd, 2015 | 1 hr 6 mins
asiabsdcon, bhyve, bsd, bsdcan, conference, darwin, dragonflybsd, eurobsdcon, freebsd, guide, howto, hypervisor, interview, launchd, libressl, mach, meetbsd, multipath, netbsd, nextbsd, openbsd, pcbsd, tame, tcp, tutorial, vbsdcon, verisign, vmm
It's already our two-year anniversary! This time on the show, we'll be chatting with Scott Courtney, vice president of infrastructure engineering at Verisign, about this year's vBSDCon. What's it have to offer in an already-crowded BSD conference space? We'll find out.
104: Beverly Hills 25519
August 26th, 2015 | 1 hr 20 mins
aes, bafug, bsd, cbc, chacha20, chacha20-poly1305, cryptography, curve25519, dragonflybsd, ed25519, edgerouter lite, erl, freebsd, gcm, guide, hmac, howto, interview, md5, netbsd, openbsd, openssh, openssl, pcbsd, tame, tutorial
Coming up this week on the show, we'll be talking with Damien Miller of the OpenSSH team. Their 7.0 release has some major changes, including phasing out older crypto and changing one of the defaults that might surprise you.
99: BSD Gnow
July 22nd, 2015 | 1 hr 19 mins
bsd, capsicum, doas, docker, dragonflybsd, ezjail, flashrd, freebsd, gnome, gnome shell, gnome3, guide, howto, interview, iocage, nanobsd, netbsd, openbsd, pcbsd, puns i will regret forever, resflash, sudo, tame, tutorial
This week we'll be talking with Ryan Lortie and Baptiste Daroussin about GNOME on BSD. Upstream development is finally treating the BSDs as a first class citizen, so we'll hear about how the recent porting efforts have been since.