We found 2 episodes of BSD Now with the tag “spamd”.
51: Engineering Nginx
August 20th, 2014 | 1 hr 27 mins
aircrack-ng, atheros, autofs, automounter, bsd, bsdcan, cloud computing, defcon, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, hackathon, hosting solution, howto, httpd, https, interview, kismet, netbsd, nginx, openbsd, openssh, pcbsd, spamd, ssl, tls, tutorial, webserver, wifi, wireless, xinuos
Coming up on the show, we'll be showing you how to set up a secure, SSL-only webserver. There's also an interview with Eric Le Blan about community participation and FreeBSD's role in the commercial server space. All that and more, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
27: BSD Now vs. BSDTalk
March 5th, 2014 | 1 hr 42 mins
2014, bcrypt, bootable, bsd, bsd jail, bsdtalk, build.sh, building a release, cross compile, cross-build, dd, dragonflybsd, ezjail, freebsd, google summer of code, gsoc, gsoc2014, guide, howto, interview, ixsystems, jails, monitoring, netbsd, network, openbsd, openbsd usb drive, opensmtpd, openssh, packet filtering, pcbsd, pf, pflow, podcast, portability, portable, solar designer, spamd, tcpdump, tutorial, usb, will backman, x11
The long-awaited meetup is finally happening on today's show. We're going to be interviewing the original BSD podcaster, Will Backman, to discuss what he's been up to and what the future of BSD advocacy looks like. After that, we'll be showing you how to track (and even cross-compile!) the -CURRENT branch of NetBSD. We've got answers to user-submitted questions and the latest news, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.