We found 3 episodes of BSD Now with the tag “rump kernels”.
64: Rump Kernels Revisited
November 19th, 2014 | 1 hr 53 mins
10.1, 10.1 review, arc4random, bsd, devsummit, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, hackfest, howto, interview, meetbsd, netbsd, networking, openbsd, openzfs, pcbsd, presentation, review, rump kernels, siphash, tutorial, userspace, xen, zfs
This time on the show, we'll be talking with Justin Cormack about NetBSD rump kernels. We'll learn how to run them on other operating systems, what's planned for the future and a lot more. As always, answers to viewer-submitted questions and all the news for the week, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
50: VPN, My Dear Watson
August 13th, 2014 | 1 hr 27 mins
bsd, dragonflybsd, exploit mitigation, freebsd, freenas, freenas mini, guide, howto, interview, ixsystems, kansai, libressl, lzo, meetbsd, nas, netbsd, network attached storage, openbsd, openssl, openvpn, pcbsd, rump kernels, security, ssh, tls, tunnel, tutorial, vpn, vps, x11, xenocara, xorg, zfs
It's our 50th episode, and we're going to show you how to protect your internet traffic with a BSD-based VPN. We'll also be talking to Robert Watson, of the FreeBSD core team, about security research, exploit mitigation and a whole lot more. The latest news and answers to all of your emails, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
30: Documentation is King
March 26th, 2014 | 1 hr 22 mins
2014, access point, asiabsdcon, bhyve, bhyvecon, bsd, cs24-c, datacenter, dell, doceng, documentation, dragonflybsd, filesystem, foundation, freebsd, freenas, fs, guide, hammer, hammer2, hammerfs, howto, igor, interview, ixsystems, lists, mail, mailing lists, man pages, manpages, megaport, netbsd, openbsd, pcbsd, pfsense, rack, router, rtfm, rump kernels, server, sun, synology, t5120, tutorial, wap, wireless
Finally hit 30 episodes! Today we'll be chatting with Warren Block to discuss BSD documentation efforts and future plans. If you've ever wondered about the scary world of mailing lists, today's tutorial will show you the basics of how to get help and contribute back. There's lots to get to today, so sit back and enjoy some BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.