We found 1 episode of BSD Now with the tag “nsd”.
52: Reverse Takeover
August 27th, 2014 | 1 hr 14 mins
address space layout randomization, aslr, bind, bsd, dns server, dragonflybsd, encryption, freebsd, guide, howto, interview, netbsd, nginx, nsd, openbsd, os x, pcbsd, pfsense, pie, position-independent executables, reverse tunnel, shawn webb, ssh, time machine, tunnel, tutorial, unbound
Coming up this week, we'll be chatting with Shawn Webb about his recent work with ASLR and PIE in FreeBSD. After that, we'll be showing you how you can create a reverse SSH tunnel to a system behind a firewall... how sneaky. Answers to your emails plus the latest news, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.