We found 2 episodes of BSD Now with the tag “mysql”.
394: FreeBSD on Mars
March 18th, 2021 | 43 mins 31 secs
berkeley, bhyve, bsd, dataset, distribution, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guest, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, large data, mars, microscopy, mysql, netbsd, network stack, nextcloud, openbsd, operating system, os, release, rover, shell, software, state of the union, transaction, trident, truenas, trueos, tutorial, unix, vxworks, zfs, zpool
Onboard Scheduler for the Mars 2020 Rover, Practical Guide to Storage of Large Amounts of Microscopy Data, OpenBSD guest with bhyve - OmniOS, NextCloud on OpenBSD, MySQL Transactions - the physical side, TrueNAS 12.0-U2.1 is released, HardenedBSD 2021 State of the Hardened Union, and more
44: Base ISO 100
July 2nd, 2014 | 1 hr 45 mins
applied, authenticated encryption, boringssl, bsd, bsdmag, cd, cdr, chacha, chacha20, database, decryption, dragonflybsd, dvd, encryption, firewall, freebsd, freenas, gcm, google, guide, hardened, hardening, horrible puns, howto, interview, iso, ixsystems, jenkins, kyua, libressl, magazine, multithreading, mysql, netbsd, openbsd, openssl, patch, pcbsd, performance, pf, pfsense, pkg_add, pkgsrc, pkgsrccon, postgresql, pre-applied, salsa20, scalability, security, signify, smp, sql, ssl, stable, tarsnap, testing, tls, tutorial
This time on the show, we'll be sitting down to talk with Craig Rodrigues about Jenkins and the FreeBSD testing infrastructure. Following that, we'll show you how to roll your own OpenBSD ISOs with all the patches already applied... ISO can't wait! This week's news and answers to all your emails, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.