We found 7 episodes of BSD Now with the tag “gsoc”.
448: Controlling Resource Limits
March 31st, 2022 | 45 mins 22 secs
berkeley, bsd, cpu frequency scheduling, dataset, distribution, dns, dragonflybsd, freebsd, gsoc, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, netbsd, open source, openbsd, operating system, os, packages, ports, rctl, release, resource limits, rsync, shell, software, summer of code, technical notes, trident, trueos, tutorial, unix, userland, zfs, zpool
Controlling Resource Limits with rctl in FreeBSD, It’s always DNS, Google Summer of Code in BSD Projects, Rsync Technical Notes - Q4 2021, Userland CPU frequency scheduling for OpenBSD, and more.
400: FreeBSD became 13
April 29th, 2021 | 1 hr 2 mins
berkeley, bsd, d compiler, dataset, distribution, dragonflybsd, freebsd, freebsd 13, google summer of code, gsoc, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, kde, netbsd, open source, openbsd, operating system, os, packages, ports, release, report, shell, software, trident, trueos, tutorial, unix, zfs, zpool
FreeBSD 13 is here, multi-factor authentication on OpenBSD, KDE on FreeBSD 2021o2, NetBSD GSoC report, a working D compiler on OpenBSD, and more
314: Swap that Space
September 4th, 2019 | 48 mins 28 secs
bsd, dragonflybsd, dsynth, freebsd, gsoc, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, netbsd, openbsd, servers, steam, streaming, swap, swap space, trident, trueos, tutorial, virtual memory, vm, workstation
Unix virtual memory when you have no swap space, Dsynth details on Dragonfly, Instant Workstation on FreeBSD, new servers new tech, Experimenting with streaming setups on NetBSD, NetBSD’s progress towards Steam support thanks to GSoC, and more.
87: On the List
April 29th, 2015 | 1 hr 21 mins
aslr, bhyve, blacklistd, bsd, coreclr, dragonflybsd, duovero, efi, file, freebsd, gsoc, guide, gumstix, howto, interview, midnightbsd, netbsd, openbsd, pae, pcbsd, rdp, tutorial, w^x, windows
Coming up this time on the show, we'll be speaking with Christos Zoulas, a NetBSD security officer. He's got a new project called blacklistd, with some interesting possibilities for stopping bruteforce attacks. We've also got answers to your emails and all this week's news, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
78: From the Foundation (Part 2)
February 25th, 2015 | 1 hr 9 mins
bsd, charity, core infrastructure initiative, donations, dragonflybsd, freebsd, funding, gsoc, guide, hackathon, howto, interview, lenovo, linux foundation, netbsd, openbsd, openbsd foundation, openssh, opnsense, pcbsd, relayd, soekris, superfish, tutorial
This week we continue our two-part series on the activities of various BSD foundations. Ken Westerback joins us today to talk all about the OpenBSD foundation and what it is they do. We've also got answers to your emails and all the latest news, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
71: System Disaster
January 7th, 2015 | 1 hr 6 mins
bsd, dragonflybsd, freebsd, google summer of code, gpl, gsoc, guide, hammer, howto, interview, launchd, license, macports, netbsd, ntp, openbsd, openntpd, opnsense, pcbsd, pfsense, systembsd, systemd, tutorial, zfs
This time on the show, we'll be talking to Ian Sutton about his new BSD compatibility wrappers for various systemd dependencies. Don't worry, systemd is not being ported to BSD! We're still safe! We've also got all the week's news and answers to your emails, coming up on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
27: BSD Now vs. BSDTalk
March 5th, 2014 | 1 hr 42 mins
2014, bcrypt, bootable, bsd, bsd jail, bsdtalk, build.sh, building a release, cross compile, cross-build, dd, dragonflybsd, ezjail, freebsd, google summer of code, gsoc, gsoc2014, guide, howto, interview, ixsystems, jails, monitoring, netbsd, network, openbsd, openbsd usb drive, opensmtpd, openssh, packet filtering, pcbsd, pf, pflow, podcast, portability, portable, solar designer, spamd, tcpdump, tutorial, usb, will backman, x11
The long-awaited meetup is finally happening on today's show. We're going to be interviewing the original BSD podcaster, Will Backman, to discuss what he's been up to and what the future of BSD advocacy looks like. After that, we'll be showing you how to track (and even cross-compile!) the -CURRENT branch of NetBSD. We've got answers to user-submitted questions and the latest news, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.