We found 4 episodes of BSD Now with the tag “cryptography”.
104: Beverly Hills 25519
August 26th, 2015 | 1 hr 20 mins
aes, bafug, bsd, cbc, chacha20, chacha20-poly1305, cryptography, curve25519, dragonflybsd, ed25519, edgerouter lite, erl, freebsd, gcm, guide, hmac, howto, interview, md5, netbsd, openbsd, openssh, openssl, pcbsd, tame, tutorial
Coming up this week on the show, we'll be talking with Damien Miller of the OpenSSH team. Their 7.0 release has some major changes, including phasing out older crypto and changing one of the defaults that might surprise you.
91: Vox Populi
May 27th, 2015 | 1 hr 12 mins
bsd, clang, cryptography, dm-crypt, dragonflybsd, freebsd, fsf, guide, hammer fs, howto, interview, lfnw, linuxfest northwest, llvm, luks, nagoya, netbsd, openbsd, openmp, osc, pcbsd, rms, tutorial
This week on the show, we've got something pretty different. We went to a Linux convention and asked various people if they've ever tried BSD and what they know about it. Stay tuned for that, all this week's news and, of course, answers to your emails, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
73: Pipe Dreams
January 21st, 2015 | 1 hr 31 mins
bhyve, bsd, commandline, cryptography, david maxwell, digitalocean, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, howto, interview, libressl, netbsd, openbsd, openssl, pcbsd, pf, pipecut, router, shell, tutorial
This week on the show we'll be chatting with David Maxwell, a former NetBSD security officer. He's got an interesting project called Pipecut that takes a whole new approach to the commandline. We've also got answers to viewer-submitted questions and all this week's headlines, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
47: DES Challenge IV
July 23rd, 2014 | 1 hr 32 mins
aes, bsd, bsdcan, cheri, cryptography, dag-erling smørgrav, des, dragonflybsd, encryption, firewall, freebsd, guide, hackathon, howto, interview, ixsystems, libressl, linux, multithreading, netbsd, openbsd, openssl, packet filter, pcbsd, pf, prng, qemu, security, smp, tarsnap, tutorial, zfs
Coming up this week on the show! We've got an interview with Dag-Erling Smørgrav, the current security officer of FreeBSD, to discuss what exactly being in such an important position is like. The latest news, answers to your emails and even some LibreSSL drama, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.