We found 2 episodes of BSD Now with the tag “business”.
98: Our Code is Your Code
July 15th, 2015 | 1 hr 13 mins
aarch64, arm64, bsd, bsd license, bsdcan, business, c720, chromebook, copyfree, copyleft, copyright, dragonflybsd, freebsd, gpl, guide, howto, interview, litebsd, mit, netbsd, openbsd, pcbsd, tcpdump, tutorial, xinuos
Coming up this time on the show, we'll be talking with the CTO of Xinuos, David Meyer, about their adoption of FreeBSD. We also discuss the BSD license model for businesses and the benefits of contributing changes back.
86: Business as Usual
April 22nd, 2015 | 1 hr 44 mins
binpatch-ng, broadwell, bsd, business, consulting, dragonflybsd, enterprise, freebsd, freenas, guide, howto, interview, it, m:tier, mtier, nas4free, netbsd, netflix, openbsd, openup, packages, pcbsd, stable, support, tls, tutorial
Coming up this time on the show, we'll be chatting with Antoine Jacoutot about how M:Tier uses BSD in their business. After that, we'll be discussing the different release models across the BSDs, and which style we like the most. As always, answers to your emails and all the latest news, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.