We found 3 episodes of BSD Now with the tag “bsdmag”.
44: Base ISO 100
July 2nd, 2014 | 1 hr 45 mins
applied, authenticated encryption, boringssl, bsd, bsdmag, cd, cdr, chacha, chacha20, database, decryption, dragonflybsd, dvd, encryption, firewall, freebsd, freenas, gcm, google, guide, hardened, hardening, horrible puns, howto, interview, iso, ixsystems, jenkins, kyua, libressl, magazine, multithreading, mysql, netbsd, openbsd, openssl, patch, pcbsd, performance, pf, pfsense, pkg_add, pkgsrc, pkgsrccon, postgresql, pre-applied, salsa20, scalability, security, signify, smp, sql, ssl, stable, tarsnap, testing, tls, tutorial
This time on the show, we'll be sitting down to talk with Craig Rodrigues about Jenkins and the FreeBSD testing infrastructure. Following that, we'll show you how to roll your own OpenBSD ISOs with all the patches already applied... ISO can't wait! This week's news and answers to all your emails, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
39: The Friendly Sandbox
May 28th, 2014 | 1 hr 2 mins
application, bsd, bsdcan, bsdmag, bsdtalk, capsicum, casper, casperd, chroot, dns, dnscrypt, dnscurve, dnssec, dragonflybsd, encryption, exploit, freebsd, gateway, guide, howto, interview, isolated, isolation, jails, journal, libressl, lookups, netbsd, openbsd, opendns, pcbsd, presentation, recordings, sandbox, security, ssh, talk, the friendly ghost, tunnel, tutorial, video, virtual machine, vpn, vps
This time on the show we'll be talking with Jon Anderson about Capsicum and Casper to securely sandbox processes. After that, our tutorial will show you how to encrypt all your DNS lookups, either on a single system or for your whole network. News, emails and all the usual fun, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
18: Eclipsing Binaries
January 1st, 2014 | 1 hr 10 mins
bapt, binary, binary star, bsd, bsdmag, dragonflybsd, firewall, freebsd, freebsd-update, guide, hangout, howto, interview, linux bsd differences, netbsd, openbsd, openbsd-binary-upgrade, packages, patches, pcbsd, pf, pfsense, pkg_add, pkgng, portmgr, ports, signed, switching from linux to bsd, tmpfs, tutorial, update, upgrade
Put away the Christmas trees and update your ports trees! We're back with the first show of 2014, and we've got some catching up to do. This time on the show, we have an interview with Baptiste Daroussin about the future of FreeBSD binary packages. Following that, we'll be highlighting a cool script to do binary upgrades on OpenBSD. Lots of holiday news and listener feedback, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.