We found 7 episodes of BSD Now with the tag “books”.
521: BSD Summer Reading
August 24th, 2023 | 57 mins
article, berkeley, books, bsd, cli, commit, dataset, development, distribution, dragonflybsd, filesystem, freebsd, git, guide, hardenedbsd, history, howto, interview, jails, kanboard, live, netbsd, open source, openbsd, openbsd amsterdam, operating system, os, packages, ports, quarter 2, recommended reading, release, shell, software, status report, storage, su, trident, trueos, tutorial, unix, vcs, zfs, zpool
FreeBSD Status Report Q2 2023, Klara Systems Recommended Summer Reads 2023, install Kanboard on OpenBSD howto, A bit of Unix history on 'su -', hints for splitting commits, Live from OpenBSD in Amsterdam, and more
378: Networknomicon
November 26th, 2020 | 56 mins 20 secs
berkeley, book sale, books, bsd, cashflow, creators, dataset, distribution, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, michael w. lucas, netbsd, openbsd, operating system, os, release, sale, shell, snmp, software, tls, trident, trueos, tutorial, unix, zfs, zpool
Interview with Michael W. Lucas: SNMP and TLS book, cashflow for creators, book sale and more.
374: OpenBSD’s 25th anniversary
October 29th, 2020 | 54 mins 40 secs
25th anniversary, backup, bastillebsd, berkeley, book, book sale, books, bsd, container, container management, dataset, devsummit, distribution, dragonflybsd, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, netbsd, openbsd, openzfs, operating system, os, release, report, shell, software, trident, trueos, tutorial, unix, zfs, zpool
OpenBSD 6.8 has been released, NetBSD 9.1 is out, OpenZFS devsummit report, BastilleBSD’s native container management for FreeBSD, cleaning up old tarsnap backups, Michael W. Lucas’ book sale, and more.
329: Lucas’ Arts
December 19th, 2019 | 51 mins 5 secs
books, bsd, bsdcan, dragonflybsd, fiction, freebsd, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, lucas, michael w. lucas, netbsd, non-fiction, openbsd, publishing, self-publishing, snmp, snmp mastery, sudo, sudo mastery, trident, trueos, tutorial, writing
In this episode, we interview Michael W. Lucas about his latest book projects, including the upcoming SNMP Mastery book.
293: Booking Jails
April 11th, 2019 | 1 hr 16 mins
books, bsd, bsdcan, dragonflybsd, ezjail, freebsd, gelato, guide, hardenedbsd, howto, interview, iocage, jails, netbsd, openbsd, sponsoring, sudo, trident, trueos, tutorial, user group, writing
This week we have a special episode with a Michael W. Lucas interview about his latest jail book that’s been released. We’re talking all things jails, writing, book sponsoring, the upcoming BSDCan 2019 conference, and more.
40: AirPorts & Packages
June 4th, 2014 | 1 hr 13 mins
2014, absolute freebsd, beyond security, books, bsd, bsd vs linux, bsdcan, carp, code review, dragonflybsd, failover, firewalls, flightaware, freebsd, freenas, geom, guide, high availability, howto, interview, ipfw, ixsystems, jails, karl lehenbauer, keynote, kyua, libressl, linux, load balancing, netbsd, openbsd, owncloud, pcbsd, pf, plex, plex media server, plugins, tarsnap, tutorial, ufs, webcast, zfs
On this week's episode, we'll be giving you an introductory guide on OpenBSD's ports and package system. There's also a pretty fly interview with Karl Lehenbauer, about how they use FreeBSD at FlightAware. Lots of interesting news and answers to all your emails, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
25: A Sixth pfSense
February 19th, 2014 | 1 hr 7 mins
2014, amazon, asiabsdcon, bandwidth, books, bsd, build, custom, dragonflybsd, ec2, edge router, edgebsd, edgerouter, edgerouter lite, eurobsdcon, eurobsdcon2014, firewall, fosdem, freebsd, freebsd journal, gateway, graphs, guide, hackathon, hangout, howto, images, instance, interview, ipfilter, ipfw, michael w lucas, mips, netbsd, new zealand, openbsd, pcbsd, pf, pfsense, php, pkgsrc, router, signed packages, smp, tutorial, web interface, webui
We have a packed show for you this week! We'll sit down for an interview with Chris Buechler, from the pfSense project, to learn just how easy it can be to deploy a BSD firewall. We'll also be showing you a walkthrough of the pfSense interface so you can get an idea of just how convenient and powerful it is. Answers to your questions and the latest headlines, here on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.