We found 2 episodes of BSD Now with the tag “access point”.
30: Documentation is King
March 26th, 2014 | 1 hr 22 mins
2014, access point, asiabsdcon, bhyve, bhyvecon, bsd, cs24-c, datacenter, dell, doceng, documentation, dragonflybsd, filesystem, foundation, freebsd, freenas, fs, guide, hammer, hammer2, hammerfs, howto, igor, interview, ixsystems, lists, mail, mailing lists, man pages, manpages, megaport, netbsd, openbsd, pcbsd, pfsense, rack, router, rtfm, rump kernels, server, sun, synology, t5120, tutorial, wap, wireless
Finally hit 30 episodes! Today we'll be chatting with Warren Block to discuss BSD documentation efforts and future plans. If you've ever wondered about the scary world of mailing lists, today's tutorial will show you the basics of how to get help and contribute back. There's lots to get to today, so sit back and enjoy some BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
19: The Installfest
January 8th, 2014 | 1 hr 21 mins
access point, bsd, bsdinstall, competition, contest, dnscrypt, dnscurve, dragonflybsd, freebsd, gce, giveaway, google compute engine, guide, howto, installer, installfest, interview, ixsystems, jails, megacore, mitm, netbsd, openbsd, opendns, pc-sysinstall, pcbsd, performance, pillow, pkgsrc, router, sets, signed packages, signify, sweepstakes, sysinstall, testing, tuning, tutorial
We've got some special treats for you this week on the show. It's the long-awaited "installfest" segment, where we go through the installer of each of the different BSDs. Of course we also have your feedback and the latest news as well... and... we even have our very first viewer contest! There's a lot to get to today on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.