Episode 69
Under the Ports Tree
December 24th, 2014
1 hr 12 mins 33 secs
About this Episode
It's a special holiday episode! We asked you guys in the audience to send in the tale of how you first got into BSD, and we're going to share those with everyone today. We'll also be playing two bonus mini-interviews, so get comfy by the fire and listen to some BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.
This episode was brought to you by
Special segment
How our viewers got into BSD
- Jason's story (text)
- bsdx's story (text)
- David's story (text)
- Brad's story (text)
- Reese's story (video)
- Bryan's story (video)
- Pete's story (text)
- Anders' story (text)
- Guillermo's story (text)
- Jonathan's story (text)
- Adam's story (text)
- Chris' story (text)
- Tigersharke's story (text)
- Roller and Kandie's stories (text)
- Uwe's story (text)
- Pascal's story (text) and (image) ***
Interview - Erwin Lansing - erwin@freebsd.org
BSD in Europe, getting people involved
Interview - Cristina Vintila - @cristina_crow
BSD conferences