Episode 6

Doing It de Raadt Way


October 9th, 2013

51 mins 42 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

On this week's episode we'll show you how to securely run graphical applications in a jail, we sit down and chat with OpenBSD founder Theo de Raadt and, as always, get you caught up on all the latest news. All that and more, this week on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.


HAMMER2 GSOC improvements merged

  • A student from the Google Summer of Code's patches were committed to upstream Dragonfly
  • It focuses mainly on compression and updating the I/O infrastructure to work with compression
  • The ability to boot from HAMMER2 volumes was also added
  • Check the show notes for a full list of additions and improvements
  • We'll have someone on the show to talk about HAMMER FS in the future ***

OSNews starts a "BSD family" segment

  • An OSNews reader decided to share some info about the BSDs
  • He's writing a three-part series covering FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD
  • Pretty good info for Linux switchers ***

pkgsrc-2013Q3 branch announcement

  • pkgsrc is similar to the ports concept, but for 21 different OSes
  • The pkgsrc developers make a new release every three months.
  • 13184 total packages for AMD64
  • If there's any interest, we'll try to get a pkgsrc tutorial written in the future ***

PCBSD 9.2 released

  • Shortly after the official FreeBSD 9.2 release, PCBSD follows up
  • Highlights include bootable ZFS boot environments, a rewritten life-preserver utility for backups, improved pkgng support, updated appcafe, major improvements to warden, a GUI pkgng management system, filesystem-based encryption for home directories and much more ***

Interview - Theo de Raadt - deraadt@openbsd.org

The OpenBSD project


Jailed VNC sessions

News Roundup

Curve25519 patch for OpenSSH

  • Because of recent NSA news, someone implemented an alternative key exchange mechanism
  • It uses Curve25519 instead of the traditional Diffie-Hellman
  • Comes from the developer of libssh and is already implemented there ***

FreeBSD 10-ALPHA5 is out

  • Includes the big removal of BIND
  • More GNU stuff removed
  • Bhyve and XEN improvements
  • Some LLVM fixes ***

M:Tier offering "Long Time Support" for OpenBSD ports

  • Starting with 5.4, M:Tier will be offering a subscription for LTS support, in addition to their free 6 month version
  • OpenBSD releases are only supported for 1 year normally (5.2 becomes unsupported when 5.4 comes out, etc.)
  • This model makes it easier to keep your ports patched for security in a corporate environment ***

Ohio Linuxfest talks uploaded

  • The OLF 2013 talks have been uploaded
  • Includes Kirk Mckusick's keynote about building an open source community and Ken Moore's talk about lots of new PCBSD stuff ***

Theo's absence and other updates

  • In an uncharacteristic manner, Theo started a thread on misc@ instead of finishing it
  • For the last year, he's not been as involved in OpenBSD development
  • He's been busy with setting up an Internet Exchange in Calgary
  • Also mentions some troubles with an imposter Twitter account ***
