Episode 10

Year of the BSD Desktop


November 6th, 2013

1 hr 32 mins 54 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode


OpenBSD 5.4 released

  • The usual 6 month release cycle continues with 5.4
  • People who bought the CD get the release very early, but now it's on the public FTP
  • New platforms "octeon" and "beagle"
  • Improved Intel DRM, reworked checksumming for network protocols, ECDHE support in httpd, inetd no longer started by default, DHCP improvements, lots of new OpenSMTPD work, OpenSSH 6.3
  • Over 7,800 ports available, comes with another new song and fun artwork, lots of new features - check out the full release notes
  • A special thanks to Nick Holland and Bob Beck for their behind-the-scenes work
  • Experimental FUSE support was enabled shortly after the release, so look forward to that in the future ***

FreeBSD pkgng repos are official

  • Built weekly from a snapshot of the Ports Collection every Wednesday
  • Signed packages coming soon with pkg 1.2
  • Added official public key to -STABLE and -CURRENT
  • New "pkg+http" protocol identifier for SRV records
  • If you need something more up to date or with custom options, it's easy to make your own with just the packages you want using our tutorial
  • If you need a guide on how to use pkgng itself, check our tutorial for that too!
  • What does this mean for PCBSD repo users? Should they switch? Differences? ***

DragonflyBSD 3.6 branched

  • SMP improvements and GCC changes are all in, so it's time to branch
  • Release planned for a little under 2 weeks from today
  • Features will include i915 support, mdocml imported, crazy SMP improvements, dports being default
  • We're hoping to get someone from Dragonfly on the show next week to talk about the final release ***

FreeBSD portmgr lurkers

  • Over the course of the next two years, volunteers from a group of ports committers will participate in portmgr activities
  • At four month intervals, two committers at a time will be brought in to work on various projects and learn the inner workings of the team
  • The first two -lurkers are Mathieu Arnold (mat@) and Antoine Brodin (antoine@). ***

Interview - Michael W. Lucas - mwlucas@michaelwlucas.com / @mwlauthor

Sudo Mastery


Configuring FreeBSD as a desktop system

News Roundup

Capsicum in DragonflyBSD

  • Dragonfly has no security framework yet besides the traditional unix DAC model
  • Port of Capsicum to Dragonfly has begun
  • Quite a bit of technical detail in the show notes ***

NYCBSDCon 2014

  • After a three year hiatus, NYCBSDCon is back on February 8, 2014
  • Theme of "The BSDs in Production" this year
  • Held in New York City, more information to come as the time draws closer ***

FreeBSD newcons progress update

  • This project will provide a replacement for the legacy syscons system console
  • Newcons provides a number of improvements, including better integration with graphics modes, and broader character set support
  • More details on the project can be found on the FreeBSD wiki ***

Weekly PCBSD feature digest

  • PBI 10 format is about ready and they'll begin populating the 10.0 appcafe starting next week
  • PCDM login manager is back and is ready to be tested
  • New PC-BSD Disk Manager Utility with lots of features ***
